I have had gastric banding and my skin is suffering from constant breakouts!

I'm 41 years old, and I have been on Accutane for almost two months now with no significant improvement. Before the surgery (two years ago, now down 125 pounds) I had moderate to good skin. Now it's worse than a teenager's! Is there hope that one day my skim will return to "normal"...    — dpatino (posted on January 5, 2007)

January 5, 2007
Congrats on your awesome weight loss. I have met people that do 100% better on proative than accutane. Give a try got to Best wishes Cira
   — Cira S.

January 5, 2007
My first question would be are you taking a multivitamin, calcium, iron, B12 religiously??? How much and how many multi's are your taking? What types of vitamins are you taking? Hopefuly not childrens? Ther Bariatric Vitamins are formulated for us. Also, how much Protein and water are you getting in per day? These would be the first things I would tackle and make sure that I am doing the right thing for my body before taking something else.
   — ccstann

January 6, 2007
My skin has actually cleared up since the surgery, but I know i"m drinking a LOT more water than I was before. Check your water intake, as it helps a lot with clearer skin. Also, I ONLY wash my face with Ivory soap and water. I went through all the cleaners and other stuff, only to have skin reactions to all of them. My skin is VERY sensitive, so much so that even "sensitive skin" products break me out. If I get oily, I will use an alcohol prep to get the oil off. Anything else makes me break out. Hope this helps
   — oceanrayne

January 6, 2007
Hi Diane, congrats on the weight loss. I am a dermatology physician assistnat who prescribes accutane everyday. Two months is still withon the realm of normal for not seeing much. Is the dose correct. We find the most efficacy if you take 1mg/kg divided twice a day. For example a 150 lb person would take 30mg 2x a day. If you weight 160 or higher you should be on at least 40mg 2x a day. If you are on the correct dose you should improve accutane is a miracle drug and extrememly affective. Proactiv is a joke it is all over the counter products that you cna buy seperately and save ahell of a lot of money. It doesn't even come close to the efficacy of accutane. Save your money. There are some women who develop acne later in life who do so because of hormone issues which after extremem weight loss that can definitely occur. There is another medication called spironolactone which is technically a blood pressure medication but not that great at that but really good at filtering the excess hormones. Best wishes to you...hang in there my money is on the accutnae working for you. By the way... are your lips and skin dry? If not you may not be taking a high enough dose.
   — SteffieBear15

January 6, 2007
I would definitely try proactiv. I had terrible school once I got out of High School and now it is beautiful. I use proactiv every other day or so now because it can dry out your skin but it still does wonders.
   — *Malena* M.

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