Has anyone tried the new Alli ?

Just wanting to hear of people that have tried Alli that are Post-op, and what side effects they have had. Thanks!    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on June 23, 2007)

June 23, 2007
I haven't tried Alli. But I did when it was Xenical (in prescription form) It did seem to work.My doctor gave me a 30 free sample, but I had to stop taking it because my insurance wouldn't cover it. The BM's were kind of nasty. But I lost about 10 lbs the first month.
   — KathigME

June 24, 2007
hi, wow i just bought it. I didn't ask my doctor because I used to us Xenacal before the surgery. I just started using it. I hope it works. I had stop losing weight. I am one year post-op so I hope ths will help me lose alittle more because now that I can eat food I am afraid of gaining weight.
   — evienicole

June 25, 2007
OK...maybe im not understanding..people take diet pills after wls??? for what?? you have been given the best diet aid, your tool..use it, im not trying to sound harsh but diet pills after surgury?? watch your diet (sweets, carbonated drinks are a no-no) increase on your protein drinks, drink lots of water/crystal lite, and most of all get your exercise. If you are doing 1/2hr of cardio, bump it up another 15 min.. Im sorry taking diet pills post op- sounds crazy to me..and another thing how healthy are those pills for your body anyway? no one knows..leave them alone!!!
   — msstacey

July 1, 2007
Perhaps you should read the Alli book before you even think about this diet pill. I agree with the last poster. Stick to the basics of your diet now. Alli only blocks fat that your body takes in during meals. It does nothing for the body fat that's already there. My cousin took this when it was Xenical & everytime she farted there would be a greasy streak in her underwear and pants. Plus she said the B.M.'s were terrible. Your body shouldn't be able to tolerate certain types of fat post op anyway so just continue to eliminate unhealthy fats from your diet and you won't need $50.00 a month & Alli to do that for you. Go back to the basics of high protein, plenty of fluids and increase your exercise!

July 19, 2007
I'm pre-op and I can say I have tried pretty much every diet pill/shake/etc out there, but I haven't tried Alli. I've only read about it. And from what I read, if you try it and you intake anything fatty/greasy, be prepared to wear an adult diaper. I read about unexpected, uncontrollable diarrhea and a lot of gassiness. Honestly, I don't know what they allow you to take after weight loss surgery. I don't know if any of the ingredients in the weight loss things would have any negative effects on your system. I'd seriously say if no one here can give you the answer you want to go to your doctor. Good luck.
   — HeavenlyFaerie219

July 25, 2007
I did recently buy Alli (for my significant other who has not had surgery and has entirely different issues). I have tried it and although it is too early to tell if it is doing me any good, from my own experience I can say that I'm not having the greasy/uncontrollable stools issue (although granted, the Alli dose is half of the Xenical dose when it was prescription only). I am probably just wasting money because for the most part I do not eat too many fats. I'm almost 4 years post op and am facing challenges with maintaining my weight and find it very difficult to loose weight. The Alli helps because it seems like my stomach then is more sensitive to foods, so it is easier to "feel" full and stop. That said, yes, it does seem insane to be on diet pills post op ;-) I will try and remember to check in if I notice it helping.
   — w8free

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