Fill centers....

Hi everybody, I'd like to know if any of you are using the fill centers? Are they profesionnal? Do you have do pay for unfills too? I saw they don't offer fluoroscopy in many locations, however my surgeon had told me fluoroscopy was not an option, but a must to avoid multiple fills and unfills. Your imput would be greatly appreciated as I 'm looking forward to my first fill in about 2 weeks, and my surgeon is a bit far. Thanks to all of you!    — ghis31 (posted on November 12, 2008)

November 13, 2008
I never heard of fill centers but my surgeon does not use a fluroscopy. He and his nurse just do the fill. The nurse draws out all the fluid to get a read on how much is there and then fills me. Then I drink water and if I can swallow I am good. He did use the flur. on a patient that he could not find the port, but i can feel my port just to the side of my belly button. My pcm does consults and the insurance pays all except the co pay.
   — aliann

November 14, 2008
Thanks Ali for your answer! I tried to feel my port, but I might still be too fat, and only feel jello where the port should be... The fill doctor has for sure more experience and hopefully he won't need the fluoroscopy...
   — ghis31

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