What to do about emotional eating?

I had RNY at PB 10/13/03. I am NOW at my lowest weight & plan on going lower but I'm having trouble with grazing when I'm tired, bored, lonely. Any help would be appreciated. I try to stay under 1200 cal. daily. I walk at least 2 miles 3 days a week. Thanks ahead of time.    — maryalida (posted on April 26, 2010)

April 26, 2010
This may sound simplistic, but deal with the emotion directly ie, if tired take a power nap or lye down; if bored do TV, read, go for a walk, brouse the internet, journal, write a letter or cards to friends and/or family; if lonely call a friend, or get on OH and make some new friends. Hope this helps, I'd hate to see you regain your weight!! You CAN do it.
   — Jane W.

April 26, 2010
I was banded on 2/11/10. Done great so far, but the emotional eating beast has reared his head again in my life too. When I started this journey I began a journal that I faithfully wrote in whenever I had a thought. I realized after I over ate, got sick and threw up, that I wasn't writing anymore. I grabbed a pen and a piece of paper and started to write down every thing in my head. It didn't make a lot of sense but it was out in the open and I could see it and deal with it. I began to feel better. As I read over what I had written, it was little things that shouldn't have bothered me at all, but instead had eaten away deep inside. Whenever I want to eat and its not meal time, I start writing and it does help.Journaling doesn't help everyone, but it does me. I wish you the best on your journey.
   — kchooker

April 27, 2010
It's time for you to really look at why you choose to eat when you are bored or tired, if you don't address it you will fall victim to it again. Try and resolve it once and for all. Get counseling if you need help finding the answers. Our "Options" class instructor once said, "No one overeats and binges on cauliflower." There is a reason you are choosing to sabotage you success. If it really is that you just are bored you have to find a way to combat that. What about trying to find some new hobbies, something you really enjoy...reading, crafts, training your dog... Your mind is the key to your success
   — mysticfeather

April 27, 2010
I had lap band last October and have struggled with this also. I also have adult ADD, which compounds the problem. My solution has just been to stay busy. So far, I have taken up crocheting, sewing, and recently when there was no sewing machine available, and I was bored out of my mind, I made a skirt by hand. Just try to do anything to keep my hands busy and off food!
   — ladybugtx18

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