Don't be scared

I had my Bypass surgery November 10th. I'm so happy I did it. I down 45lbs. I lost a lot of inches. I sleep better. I haven't had one ashma attack. Also I walked up a flight of stairs without getting out of breath. I was scared just before surgery. Not of the surgery, I was in compiedent hands. Just the total change in myself and the new way of eating. I understand how someone might say,because of a bad experience don't have the surgery But everybody is differnt. Also various health concerns. My Dr tested me head to toe. If I didn't have the surgery I would be insulin dependent and in a wheel chair in by the time I'm forty. I'm only 36 with a 4 and 9 year old. If anyone need someone to talk to E-mail me at [email protected] thank you Linda from W. Lebanon,NY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE !!!!!! I GOT WHAT I WANTED FOR CHRISTMAS Good health and a waist    — LINDA C. (posted on December 12, 1999)

December 14, 1999
Good Luck to you, keep up the good work! It is truly a whole lifestyle change, one that we needed to make. I had an open RNY with a 1cc micro pouch over 20 mo. ago and I have lost almost 160# and have kept it off for tha past 6 mo. I had to chuckle about the waist. I was amazed that I found "bones"! Life is so different now- I only wish everyone could feel the same way I do now. God Bless you! Jan Terry
   — Jan T.

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