What vitamins do I take to prevent hair loss

I think I read vitamins A, E, and zinc am I missing any? I'm trying to start before my surgery occurs so I can at least slow down the hair loss.    — mischief85 (posted on August 5, 2002)

August 6, 2002
Check out the library. there have been a few that say that they have been successful with zinc and biotin, but personally, I don't believe it. I think that most of us will just lose the hair for a few months, and how much you lose depends on how traumatized your system was during surgery and how much protein you had in you the first month. But on a good note, it only lasts a few months. I lost from month 3-6 and it has stopped now. Just waiting for it to grow back!
   — Cindy R.

August 7, 2002
Stephanie- A girl in my support group told us about Biotin, which she heard about from her hair dresser. She was approx a year out when she started taking it. After 6 weeks, her hair dresser told her that she saw an improvement. I don't think it was just to get her to buy it, cause she was getting it at Wal-Mart! :-) I am also pre-op, and have started taking Biotin because, like you, I want to head the hair loss off at the pass!! I can't say if it does or doesn't work because I haven't been taking it long, but hey.... it's $3.50 for a bottle of 60. If it doesn't work, it's not like you wasted a whole lot of time and money on it, right? Anyway, there's my 2 cents worth. Good luck on your approval.
   — MommaBird

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