Is anyone the same as me?

I'm 3 1/2 years out, lost 96 lbs in first 3 months and have maintained virtually same weight + - 5 or 6lbs since then. Don't get me wrong, even though I'm still clinically overweight I'm happy at this weight cause I'm big boned and I think I'm genetically determined to be this size. Should I lose more weight?    — elenav (posted on January 18, 2006)

January 18, 2006
Elena- How much weight did you need to loose in the first place, in order to get to a normal body weight? Not everyone looses to an ideal weight. How's your health? What is your BMI? Are you still obese? It IS unusual for someone to only loose for 3 months and then not a pound morein 3 1/2 years. Have you seen your bariatric doctor & been checked for failure? Have you evaluated your nutrition and what you're eating with a nutritionist? Seems like all I have for you is more questions instead of the answer you seek... So- here's more of an answer- only YOU and YOUR DOCTOR can determine if you should loose more weight, based on your current condition. Technically, you SHOULD be able to loose, assuming your tool is in tact. Good luck to you with whatever you decide.

January 18, 2006
If you are happy and most of all HEALTHY physically and mentally where your are at then be it. Not everyone is the same. It is an individually very different and very personal. You are the only one who could answer your question and no one else.
   — Dani96

January 18, 2006
Hi, I am similar. I am 5 1/2 years out and have maintained the same weight, after gaining back almost 40 lbs, for about 3 years now. Yea I am considered overweight, but my body seems to like where I am. So, maybe the weight charts are wrong? I dunno. Paula
   — shoutjoy

January 18, 2006
I'm 3 years out, work out five days a week for at least an hour and a half, dont touch refine sugar, graze alot though,and could still lose at least 75 lb am I happy ...yes and thank god daily for the 125 lb loss..I'm 5'10", 51
   — debmi

January 19, 2006
Elena, Check your BMI and make sure it is at a normal number. If so, stay how you like. I'm sure you look and feel amazing now! Jeanene
   — bubba45

January 20, 2006
Wow! 96 poundfs in three nmonths!!!! Did you just stop losing then? It depends on how much overweight you are. If your BMI is good and you feel good and are not having health problems, then you don't need to lose any more, although you might feel even better if you did.
   — Novashannon

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