Has anyone heard of Northeast Health for medical coverage and if so did they approve

I had an RNY in Nov. 2002 and I wanted to check into having the Lap Band done because I am starting to gain weight back and I dont want to get too big before I do it??    — Janc57 (posted on September 2, 2006)

September 4, 2006
I just had my surgery so I dont know first hand at this but I have heard if you go back to the basics you'll start losing again. One of the biggest ways to gain back is to graze. Are you finding that your doing this? IF so get back on track. You can gain with the band too but you already have the tool so Why do you need another? The answer is within you. I know it is hard for us who have a weight problem but you need to look at your habits. Good Luck.
   — SharonP.

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