Its been 6 years, time flies

Amazing about this time 6 years ago I was in surgery. Its been a good ride:) Lost a ton, actually got a little underweight, regained some:( But way healthier and happer than pre op. Met and made lots of friends and as part of my promise to God still help care for this board. I am the board moderator or better term host:) I want to thank everyone here for being such a friendly helpful group. Anyhow just wanted to say hi on this day. If your pre op dont fear surgery look forward to it!!!!!!!!    — bob-haller (posted on July 23, 2007)

July 23, 2007
Hey Bob, you have been a God Send and friend to me without evenpersonally knowing it. I am pre-op August 7th is my D-Day and I thank you for allowing people to air their questions. It has helped all of us tremendously. I will plan on a long relationship with this message board. Thanks
   — bderuiter

July 23, 2007
From one long term post op to another, Congrats!! I will be 8 years out in December and I am so thankful that I had this surgery! Donna
   — ~Donna~ V.

July 23, 2007
Honestly other than wishing I had done it sooner my only other sadness is that our local support group failed when our surgeon left for cleveland. I miss my supoport group friends very much........
   — bob-haller

July 23, 2007
BOB.....thank you sooo much for being a host! I see your name a lot on the questions, I read every one and have learned so much. I answer when I have experience on the subject, (not that often) We need your help and it is so incredible that this support site is here, >Its Makes A Difference< I want to be your friend, add me please...
   — ka11e

July 23, 2007
What a beautiful couple you both make.. And to thank you for this beautiul site. I will be out in Oct 2 years. I do not regret any of this. I do have some lil' problems, but I will try to work it out. I still am not able to eat solid food like meats, chickenl The only food that I can eat are mashed pototes, corn, Cheese, and all the junk food like choc brownies, choc ice cream, ices, I think you get it. I went down to 160, and now I am 185. All because I cannot put food into my mouth, I has an Ulcer, but the doctor said it went away. They think it's all in my head and that I am affraid to eat. Maybe it's true, because I get a very hard lump in my throat, and then the food will not go down. Maybe, you or someone else can help me with the answer to this. Again, all the best to you, I will be looking forward to reading OH. <3 Carol
   — Carol Giusto

July 23, 2007
Bob, I have seen you and heard of you. You are a source of encouragement to all. I had RnY almost 2.5 years ago and unfortunately have gained 35 pounds back. I am now looking to having a revision to a DS. Hope you don't disagree with me as so many on the Cali board bombarded me cuz I was thinkinng of having a DS. I have read all I can and will continue to read more. I just love the facts about the DS. Wish I could have done it 2.5 years ago and if I had done more research, I would have checked it out further.
   — KRWaters

July 23, 2007
My surgery was on Friday and it was easy in many ways because I had a heads up on so many things. I feel ready for the future and know that this group will be here for me. Thanks so much. Christine
   — Christine M.

July 24, 2007
Bob, thanks so much for your service here, I see your input on the board all the time, you make such a big difference. I'll be out 4 yrs 10/23/07, it goes by fast. But I have been on this board for at least a year prior to that and will continue to read daily, and post when I can. Again thanks!! Lisa H. 340+/175/??? half my former self!
   — Lisa H.

July 24, 2007
God is smiling on you for keeping your promise, because you have been a comfort to a lot of us. I am 4 years post op in August, and I did not even view OH for about 3 years, so when I did come back, it was really great seeing some familiar names.
   — cindy

July 24, 2007
Hi Bob .. congrats on your milestone! I made 4 years a couple of weeks ago. This board has come a long way from back in th'day!
   — Jeanie

July 24, 2007
Congrats to you on all of your sucess. And thanks for all your dedication in work that it must take to keep a successful board like this going. One thing tho... I have noticed you making "Amos MOD Note (or something like that) and I was wondering what the significance of that was. Best wishes.
   — mrsidknee

July 24, 2007
The "Amos MOD Note" I put up mostly when I fear for someones life. Like having severe chest pain and having trouble breathing. These people need to go to the ER immediately. On rare occasions I use it to break up a fight here. Fortunately thats really rare. I am proud our board is nice friendly and helpful. Couldnt ask for a nicer group of people. Honestly I DONT like using my moderator powers and in general believe the least moderation is best. I believe I am the only old moderator remaing from when I started here. Its been a long time. My life is very busy but I look in often. Dont have time to post as much as I would like:( Thanks for al the kind words. HAVE A GREAT DAY! Incidently I am a unpaid volunteer and do this to help others. After all pre op others helped me. I hope to update my profile in the next few days.
   — bob-haller

July 24, 2007
Hi Bob!! Congratulations! You have been a very supportive person in my life during my "journey". It's been about 5, almost 6 years for me as well. Lost a LOT, have regained only because I haven't done everything I was supposed to. Lost down to 132, now up 182. Oh, well...Making another attempt to get back on track; up to and including a "re-do". Email me folks, I'd love to hear from you! Hadiyah, a.k.a "YourDivaness" on profiles. [email protected]
   — yourdivaness

August 1, 2007
Congratlations, Bob! And thank you for your level-headedness, patience, kindness, compassion, sharing, and knowledge. Best wishes for continued happiness and health.
   — Tigs

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