I am 2 days post up and in more pain than i imagined.

It hurts no matter what I do. Does this get better each day? I am burping but have not passed gas yet. How long does that take? Please tell me that all these pains are normal. I dread having to go to the bathroom. Sitting down and getting up is torture!    — tammyB1976 (posted on August 20, 2008)

August 19, 2008
Tammy, are you doing your walking every hour since surgery? That is how you get rid of the gas. Getting up and down hurts but it should get easier for you if you do it every hour. Good Luck.
   — dyates2948

August 19, 2008
Yes it hurts, yes you feel like shit, for now. But take it slow, do what you Dr told you to do, and this to will pass (along with the gas :) ) In one week you will look back and see how far you have come.
   — 102807

August 19, 2008
Yes it hurts, yes you feel like shit, for now. But take it slow, do what you Dr told you to do, and this to will pass (along with the gas :) ) In one week you will look back and see how far you have come.
   — 102807

August 19, 2008
Walk, Walk, Walk, Sip, Sip, Sip, It sure does get better and better everyday.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 19, 2008
I know you're in pain sweetie, but you MUST force yourself to get up and walk around frequently. People who do heal faster and people who do not get up and move around run a serious risk of developing dangerous blood clots or pneumonia. I remember how painful and difficult it was to force myself to get up and walk, but you must do it!!!!!!!! God bless!
   — Gina S.

August 19, 2008
You have to MOVE to help get rid of gas. I was not allowed to leave the hospital until I could either pass gas or have a BM. Doc wanted to make sure my digestive tract was functioning before I was released. The more that you walk or move around the better you will feel. Most likely it's trapped gas from the LAP procedure. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

August 19, 2008
Tammy, We need to get up an walk every hour for 10 minutes. You can also take Gas-X. This will help with passing the gas. Try marching place, make sure you lift your leg as high as you can. Hope this helps. Lisa
   — ldillabough

August 20, 2008
I'm with Dave....I was not allowed to leave he hospital til I passed gas or a BM...(to make sure things were working) I had to get out of bed several hours after open RNY and walk. I could only walk half way down a short hallway...By the second day I was walking the entire wing...You need to get up sweetie! WALK!!!! DRINK...Start imagining your journey starting with those first steps...Rememeber this pain now is a small sacrifice for a healthy second chance. Look passed the pain and imagine a thin you in a year from now...and if that doesn't the doc and ask for the good drugs! ( The ones behind lock and key) LOL
   — .Anita R.

August 20, 2008
Yes this is normal, and will will pass soon. Just get some rest and take the pain medication they gave you to go home with. Walk every chance you get and that will help the gas pass out of your gut. THey inflate the stomach cavaty to work on it and that gas is what makes things so unconfortable for the first week. Best of success to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

August 20, 2008
This is normal and may last a week or two. It will get better, I PROMISE! As the rest of the folks have said, walking helps to get the gas out. This is residual gas from the surgery. It was pumped in so that they could do the operation. It takes a while to diffuse through the intestinal walls and exit your system. It is PAINFUL but harmless. I hope this helps, Hugh
   — hubarlow

August 20, 2008
okay, Tammy, you gotta do it, i am going in tomorrow and i need to know it can be done. i am so happy for you and i am praying for you.
   — Godsvirtuoswoman

August 20, 2008
Tammy, one of the things I learned from these people is that they give good advice. Walking, walking, and walking will help your pain. It did for me. I'm walking after eating and drinking. So, start walking. It will get better.
   — Toby2

August 21, 2008
Oh my I remember those days! Yes it hurt like crazy for me for about the first week. The best thing you can do is walk, walk, walk. I remember the bathroom ordeal also. But let me tell you it DOES get better. Just give yourself time to heal and listen to your doctor. I am 6 months post-op and have lost 110 lbs. and I feel great! Those first days are worth it in the end! Best to you! Angela
   — AuntThat

August 21, 2008
My surgeon said there would be little pain from the surgery. Apparently my first words in the recovery room were "He lied!" However 2 days later and after lots of slow walking, I was off the pain meds, but still in some bearable discomfort. The first passing of gas was worthy of a Hallelulia chorus! In hospital they could not give me anything to assist with a bowel movement (too soon post surgery) and I paid the price - very unpleasant and painful in itself, but it was compounded by the surgical pain. Once home and on liquids, my doc told me to take milk of magnesia daily for a while to avoid constipation. This was great advice which I followed religiously - one bout of severe constipation was enough for me. Good luck and yes it does get better - faster than you could believe at the moment.
   — Duckie

August 22, 2008
I was back to work in 2 weeks. Get up everyday and walk a little more. This really works. and YES the pain does go just takes some time. walk, walk, walk....Best of Luck
   — TriciaS

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