If you think your pouch has stretched, can you reverse the damage?

I had RNY 6/08 for the last month I've been eating a lot of soups (chilli, chicken rice, potatoe) but it seems like I can eat more than 3 oz. per meal. I drink almost a full glass of tea before the food come (eating out) and then I'm able to eat the soup (usually a cup). I've been doing this for the last month or so. Have I ruined my surgery and stretched my pouch? If so is there anything I can do to reverse the damage?    — * S. (posted on October 7, 2008)

October 7, 2008
This doesn't necessarily mean you stretched your pouch. Remember that anything involving liquid goes straight through your pouch, including soups. Solids are what you should use to measure how much you can eat. The best of luck to you on your journey.
   — bariatricdivalatina

October 7, 2008
Look at the five day pouch test. We weren't allowed to have patotoes and rice till after our post-six months. Hope this helps. Anita
   — ap2008324

October 7, 2008
You probably have not stretched your pouch. But if you feel that may be a possibility go to Follow the directions and your pouch will tighten up and you will once again be where you need to be.
   — sunsetyellow

October 7, 2008
You're eating "slider" foods. You might want to try to get you meals in a more solid form. Most people can eat more soup, and foods that move thru the pouch faster. I'd also recommend that you avoid, potatoes, rice and pasta, as they are high in calories and carbs, and have little or no protein. These foods will sabotage your weight loss, you are still in a period where you can lose rather fast if you do it by the book! Take care and good luck!
   — lesleigh07

October 7, 2008
As a general rule, you're supposed to separate drinking an appreciable amount of fluids and eating by 30 minutes. Drinking a large glass of tea with dinner, will wash out some of the food, and you'll pass it without full digestion, thus limiting the nutritional value of the food. Liquids tend to pass through the pouch easy, and my surgeon says liquids will not "stretch the pouch". When I had soups early out, I would strain off the vast majority of the fluids and eat the veggies or chicken, etc. left in the soup. Portion control is very important as an early post op. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

October 7, 2008
I believe it would be nearly impossible to stretch your pouch out permanently with soup and drinks. Soup is a liquid mostly, and slides on through the pouch pretty easily. You should try solid foods to help you feel comfortably full (not stuffed), such as tuna, chicken, vegetables, low-fat cheeses, occasional apples, and so on...... I eat a maximum of 4 ounces of solid foods (by volume of food, not by weight). Wait an hour after drinking before eating. Wait and hour to an hour and a half after eating before drinking; it's important. Remember, you're not looking to feel "stuffed" or too full, just comfortable. Best wishes!
   — Gina S.

October 7, 2008
It is very unlikely that you have stretched your pouch since June, not impossible, just unlikely. This far out, shouldn't you be eating solids and/or chunky foods to keep your pouch full and keep you satisfied? Why are you still eating mushy/soup types of food? Is this all you can tolerate or what you think you should be eating at this time? Chili, rice and potato are full of carbs and really aren't the best choices for us. Are you losing weight? Are you following your surgeon and nutritionist's plans? In a worst case scenario, with a stretched pouch, there is Stomaphyx. Again, I stress that a few months out, I doubt this is what is happening. I suggest you make an appointment and discuss with your surgeon. If he is disconcerted by anything, he can order an UGI or endoscopy and check on the status of your pouch. Remember not to drink at least 30 mins before and after meals, longer if possible. Meals should be 70% protein, 30% veggies to keep your pouch full and keep you satisfied. Don't eat until you are full, eat only until you are comfortably satisfied. Good luck, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

October 8, 2008
The pouch is a muscle, and will stretch over time on it's own. When your pouch gets too ful, you will feel nauseated and aweful, but only for a time, because like a muscle it contracts as well as expands. However, over time it expands. I am 2 years post surgery and I can eat half meals 2 to 3 times a day, compared to the 1 oz post surgery, it has expanded quite a bit, but my weight is still at goal, and the changes you make in the types of food you eat and the exercise you do will make all the difference. If you refuse to exercise or change your habits, all the food reduction in the world will not keep off your weight. You must diet and exercise and be patient. Your surgery is a tool not a miracle! Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

October 8, 2008
Liquids go right thru you, this far out so it's totally normal to be able to drink more than you eat...But at this point 3 oz is nothing to even worry about...Your pouch with progressively stretch normally as you move on thru the fist year. You need to be able to eat like a normal small person...I am 5 years out and eat 7-10 ounces of food per meal! (depending on how hungry I feel and how lean the meal is) I eat very healthy and lwatch my calories more than my ounces...most of the time! You have not stretched your pouch or ruined it...When you over eat and feel so full you could bust or you just ache from eating...that's when you are doing damage. You WILL FEEL the stretching. It will hurt. You have to do this a lot to actually stretch it...Liquid calories are the secret to gaining weight! So start eating denser food! Sliders are good for new post ops...You want to be eating solid food now! Hope that makes you feel better about things! You are fine!
   — .Anita R.

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