Tommorow is my big day ..........RNY Gastric Bypass

Well where leaving today for toronto, my surgery is booked earlie tuesday morning half to be there for 6am, so wish me luck and say a prayer cause i'm nervouse as heck didn't sleep much last night,,,, i did awsome on my liquid diet so doc should be happy , anyhow see you on the other side.    — claire G. (posted on November 3, 2008)

November 2, 2008
Congrats!!!!! You will be in our prayers tonight. Before you know it everything will be over and you will be sitting beside us on the losers bench. Good Luck.
   — DanaRhea

November 2, 2008
best of luck!!! i'll be thinking of you. get plenty of walking in while at the hospital, gets ya back on your feet faster!!!! prayers are with you
   — peggy R.

November 2, 2008
WOW how exciting you are in my prayers Tammi
   — Tammi Sandoval

November 2, 2008
Best of luck to both of us. My surgery is Wednesday in Utica, NY. Leaving in a few minutes to drive down. Glad you have an am op as you say you aren't sleeping. You just get plenty in the next few days and we'll be on the loser's bench together!!! God bless . Sheri
   — sheri139

November 2, 2008
You go girl. I will say a prayer for you that your recovery goes well. Prayer sure helped me. My recovery since August 22, 2008 has been flawless. I am blessed! May you be aw well.
   — katiecakes

November 3, 2008
Hi I wish you the very best......before you know it you will join the many of us who are so glad we made the big move. God Bless! Joanne
   — Jorimor

November 3, 2008
Good Luck and can't wait to hear how well your doing!! Prayers will be said tonight fo you, God Bless.
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 3, 2008
YAY , speedy recovery vibes heading your way..grats!
   — dawnie28

November 3, 2008
Best of luck to ALL of us... My surgery is tomorrow Bangor, Maine. Take Care and God Bless. deb
   — debz_58

November 3, 2008
Claire, So great that you took a minute to keep us up to date. I am soooo very excited for you and this amazing endeavor. I am in my 3rd year and would never look back, wish I did it sooner. I'm getting ready to bed and will be very sure my husband and I will add you to our prayers. I know the anxiety before can be excrutiating and you're questioning yourself right up until they start to wake you up to tell you it's all over. Between the liquid diet and my nerves, I had the added bonus of diarrhea....woohoo! Hang in there with a positive attitude and a smile on your face. Waiting here to welcome you over to the loser's bench, Dawn Vickers
   — DawnVic

November 3, 2008
Congratulations. I will be thinking about you and praying for you.
   — Corina C

November 3, 2008
Good luck with your surgery today!! You are probably right in the middle of it right now. I hope you recover quickly. Remember that it does get better with each day. You'll be so glad you did this. Please keep us posted. Tammy :-)
   — runningagain

November 9, 2008
CONGRATULATIONS CLAIRE, This is one decision you will never regret...I have lost 42lbs sine my surgery on 9-25-08..I am so HAPPY. as I am so HAPPY for you Welcome to the ""LOSERS"" bench...
   — daizi55

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