ok ,,,,,,, i'm back from surgery 3rd day post-op

Well i did it,,, i'm on the third day and everything went well, i'm really trying to get in my liquid ,,its hard my water is fine but the proteins are harder and filling, when exactly should i start my vitamins i mean at what time in the day, someone help me,, my dietian was to busy to help .... thank you for all your prayers and all the help i'm glad i have this sight to go on.....    — claire G. (posted on November 6, 2008)

November 6, 2008
Sorry to be so blunt but you have yourself a pretty sh*tty dietician. You're 3 days post op and she's too busy to help you figure out what you need to be doing to keep yourself healthy? That's just wrong. Anyways, there is no set time of day as to when you HAVE to start taking your vitamins. Everyone handles it differently depending on what vitamins they're taking and how many of each. For example, I take 2 multivitamins and 4 calcium a day so I take one multi, 2 calcium and a sublingual B12 with breakfast and one multi and 2 calcium with dinner. Since you can not take iron at the same time as calcium (it has to be 2 hours apart), I take the iron at lunch time. You can pretty much break it up any way you like as long as you're taking them and sticking with the rules as far as what can and can't be be taken with what. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 6, 2008
Your dietician was too busy to help? WTH!!! Make sure you take your vitamins with food, or with your protein shake for now. Vitamins must have something to dissolve into or they just come out in your urine. I take mine at night so that I know there is something in my stomach to absorb the vitamins. Calcium citrate does not need food in order to be absorbed. So you can take it anytime.
   — AprilJM

November 6, 2008
You dietician was too busy to help? Excuse me?! How completely and utterly unacceptable!!! Frankly, all of this information should have been given to you prior to surgery so there were no surprises and so that you could prepare. You need to take your multivitamin on a full stomach. Do the best you can with the fluids and keep sip, sip, sipping away all day. It will better. I start drinking my water the second my feet hit the floor in the morning... while I am making the pot of coffee, I am drinking water. Always have a bottle of it or a protein drink of some kind in your hand or at arm's length. You are in my prayers and I'm glad you have this site as well. Please call your dietician's office first thing and ask to speak with the manager or whoever is in charge and please give them a piece of your mind. Congratulations on your WLS and welcome to the loser's bench. Best of luck, Dawn Vickers
   — DawnVic

November 6, 2008
I was told not to start my vitamins unitl the 2 week mark..vitas are hard ont he stomach and being should wait a week or two. I'm sorry the dietian was too busy. I can call mine anytime and she will return my call within a day. Maybe you could try that. Mine also told me not worry about the protein the first week... but Protien is a must for healing, so do try to get some in..and you dont'want to lose muscle mass..but do get the fluids in. Try popcicles, water, chicken broth, jello, I even heated and garliced up v-8 juice..1/2 can. I got dehydrated from not getting mine in, and it ended up taking 3 weeks to get rehydrated. And you don't lose weight when dehydrated. ...Good luck! And welcome to the losing that nutritionist!!
   — gpcmist

November 7, 2008
Take your vits on a schedule. 400-500 mg calcium citrate w/D3 and magnesium (that's usually 2 wafers or a half serving) Don't take 1000 mg at once as it cannot be absorbed at once. That's the reason to take at least twice daily!...Two hours later 2 multi vits and B-12 sublingual...2 hours later another 400-500 mg CC...2 hours later, iron (do not use iron salts such as ferrous sulfate) Use carbonyl iron for no side effects or toxicity... If you have other meds take them away from your vits...If you have other vit supps to can usually take them with your multi and B-12 with no problems. After a year...continue getting vit levels checked with labs as you might need to increase or decrease intake of certain vits! Stay HEALTHY and stay on top of this! It is the MOST important part of maintenance! Congrats and good luck!
   — .Anita R.

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