Should I eat something extra if I am feeling weak after a 3 or 4 mile walk?

I am 11 days post-op band surgery. My surgeon said to walk as much as I am able. I am able to walk 4 or more miles but have been feeling kind of queasy--maybe hypoglycemic afterwards. It continues even after I have a meal I am on full liquids at this point so I only take in 3 ounces at a meal.    — bean1109 (posted on March 8, 2009)

March 8, 2009
I was feeling the same way the first week or so after my surgery & when I asked the surgeon about it, she said I was dehydrated (needed to get more water in) & that I needed to cut my blood pressure meds in half. You might give the surgeons office a call to see.
   — oreohead

March 8, 2009
My nut. told me that when I work out, if I feel light-headed, drink a protein drink, that'll help.
   — runningagain

March 8, 2009
Debbie... three ounces a meal is not enough... I drink at least 8oz with my protein shakes... my surgeon said that you do not have to limit the size of your drinks because it goes straight thru your pouch into your small and big intestines... in weeks 2 & 3 he said to drink as much as I wanted, this was for clear soups and fluids... plus you are supposed to drink at least 64 oz of water a day! Sounds like you are feeling weak from not enought fluids for energy. Congratulations on your New Life with a band... I had Lap RNY so I'm not sure how different things are with a band. Hugs and pprayers for you... The best suggestion is to check with your surgeon!
   — Gerry Smith

March 9, 2009
I don't really have an answer as I am just 6 days out. I just wanted to say kudos to you for walking 3 to 4 miles already! I walk around my block and get woozy. Good luck to you and your journey! I do confer with the others, check with your surgeon or your nutritionist.
   — lmw9674

March 9, 2009
YOU HAVE TO EAT when you work out! Walking 4 miles is serious endurance and you need to fuel your body for that trip before and after! Your surgery prevents you from sustaining all THOSE miles of walking.(ESPECIALLY newly post op and unable to eat but a few ounces at a time) You've got to replace your body's energy/fuel after that kind of work out...Plus make certain you are replacing liquids as well. You CAN become hypoglycemic (permanently as well)...and if you send your body into distress and starvation like that, it can go from bad to worse! If you do not trust a registered dietician, personal trainer and ask them what to eat and what could happen...because I am going to tell you that you will need to eat some carbs (complex) to replentish your glycogen (sugar/carbs) levels. (You might want to plan your walk around a meal so you can go eat after walking) If you do not replentish, your muscles cannot recover quickly (regularly with a few hours...and if you don't you miss that quick recovery time frame and it will take your body 24 hours to try to recover) and you send a message to your body that you are starving. Your body will over produce to prevent this sugar low from happening again and that can cause you to even GAIN weight because it will learn to store ANY SUGAR that it can even turning protein into sugar...Your body needs food...Food is not the enemy...Carbs are not the enemy...KNOWING how to eat and when to eat makes a world of difference. EAT a protein bar or a yogurt with fruit...Just make sure you eat some complex carbs...Athletes will normally eat 4:1 carbs to protein ratio after that long walk...It's doesn't need to be much food...but it needs to be something substantial! You are going to lose weight...No doubt...but as long as you believe that starving is the only way, you will always have a bad relationship with food by fearing it rather than understanding it! Do a little reading on sports nutrition... (Walking 4 miles makes you an athlete!) I give you much praise! Good for you (as long as you do it safely!) Hope that helps
   — .Anita R.

March 9, 2009
If you can only eat small portions, eat a bit of fruit BEFORE and AFTER you go for your walk. Don't eat sugar, and don't do gatorade. Make sure that you have plenty of WATER with you during your walk to stay hydrated. Gatorade and similar products provide SIMPLE carbohydrates. You want the complex carbohydrates that fruit or whole grains will provide. I hope this helps. Hugh
   — hubarlow

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