Post op Lap Band Hair loss?

I had Lap Band surgery in December and I noticed that my hair is falling. Not in chunks but I see more strands on the hair brush than I ever saw before the surgery. I do take a multivitamin. However, I don't take calcium suplements. Do you guys know any info on this? Thank you.    — chachis1 (posted on May 12, 2009)

May 12, 2009
On one hand, I'm sorry for your situation, but on the other, I'm relieved because I am having the very same problem. I can't even run my fingers through my hair without having to have to shake my hand of all the hair in between my fingers. I was told by people (not in the medical field) that it was a lack of vitamin B. Since my lap-band surgery, I've been taking a multivitamin twice a day and a calcium chew three times a day. Recently (the past few months), I have been taking a liquid B under the tongue twice a day. This has not helped my hair, but it has given my mood a little boost. My hair dresser recommended a three product system, that includes a shampoo, conditioner and squirt-on stuff. I've used this expensive set with no difference either. Do not buy it!!! I talked to my regular doctor and he has sent me to a Dermatologist, whom I will see on the 26th. Hopefully she can help me. I will keep you posted. Thanks for posting.
   — Annie_Marie

May 12, 2009
HI I have been having the same problem. I had bypass done on 12/18/09. my Dr says it is normal because of the rapid weight loss but that it should stop w/in 3-6 months. He also recommended I take extra biotin. So I have been doing that since March.
   — elimeno

May 12, 2009
From everything I have read and from what my Surgeons tells me, it is probably from lack of protein. They emphasize over and over that we must have adequate protein each day. From 60 to 80 Gms per day but at least 60. To me this is the most challenging thing about our Lap Band way of life. I try to eat my protein first at each meal and add protein snacks or low cal drinks to be sure I get enough. As my Md's Assistant told me as I left my last fill appointment, "No matter what, Jan, be sure you get enough protein in each day or your hair will start coming out in large clumps." Hope this helps. Jan Hipple RN and gratiful Bander since 12/31/08.
   — jipple

May 12, 2009
I am pre-op but have very, very thin hair now. So you can image what it will be like when I am post-op. My surgeon told me to double my biotin and my zinc. I take 2, 5,000 mcg of biotin per day 9I take one in the morning and one at night) and then I take 50 mcg per day (one morning and one night). I also try to eat high protein diet. I have been on these for a few months and I have can feel stubbles when I run my fingers through my hair. so something must be working. I also take a B-12 once a day, but it is not for my hair. I hope this helps.
   — Ambria

May 12, 2009
hi this is very normal i had my band done in feb 09 and roughly 3 months later i notice hair loss. i increased my calcium and double my biotin now i dont know if this really worked or it was just timing but 3 to fours months later the hair loss slowed down if not stopped all together i also increased my protein intake regular meals and 1 to 2 shakes a day i hope this helps
   — debra H.

May 13, 2009
Thank you so much for your responses. I will be going to the pharmacy to get biotin, B-12 and will also increase my protein.
   — chachis1

May 13, 2009
Olga, I am 2 years post op RNY and my hair is just now growing in. It was really annoying but I read that with less food intake there is only so much protein to go around and the body decides that your heart, liver, pancreas, etc. need protein more than your hair - hence hair loss. I would rather my other organs get protein so I lived with the hair loss. It will stop.
   — Muggs

May 13, 2009
I was losing my hair like crazy shortly after my surgery. I would get a brushful before my shower, had to clear the drain 3-4 times every time I washed my hair, another brushful after my shower, all over the floor in the bathroom and then loose strands all day all over my clothes. Luckily, I have really long thick hair so it wasn't noticable. My doc said I wasn't getting enough protein so I upped my intake, and no more problem.
   — soon2Bfine

May 13, 2009
I too was told it was from a lack of protein and the stress on your body from the surgery. Don't worry,,,, it will stop falling out. I use shampoo and condition especially for thinning hair and also use Rogaine for women. It helps a lot.
   — karrenn

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