I cannot lose weight with band... can anyone help?

I have had the lapband for 14 months. Over that time I have only lost 19 lbs. and that was at the beginning of the surgery. My Dr.'s solution was to keep filling me until I was way over filled leading to a summer of noting but vomiting. Four months ago I had some of the fluid taken out and now I am in the "green" zone again. I eat VERY healthy and I work out 4-5 times a week. Eating and exercise wise I am the healthiest I have ever been! I track everything... from the food that I eat and the exercise that I do. But I still do not lose weight. It baffles me and my trainer. Two months ago I went to my Doctor and he did all blood panels he could think on me and everything is normal. I am going to another doctor this week... to see if maybe he missed something. I just do not know what to do anymore. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks    — duir2 (posted on February 1, 2010)

February 1, 2010
I am so sorry to hear about your disappointment. I think you are doing the right thing by going to see another Dr. I had the RNY, but if I were in your shoes I would be seeking a second opinion. Good lucky on your journey and don't let this get you down. Just keep moving forward
   — pina05

February 1, 2010
I am sorry that you have not had very much success with your band. Just a thought...could your band have a leak?
   — lmw9674

February 1, 2010
Thanks... I don't think my band has a leak because I do not eat very much. I feel ,now, that it is working like a band should... I just don't understand... if I was cheating all the time that would make sense... but I'm not. I am seeing the new Dr. tonight and I will see what she has to say. Thanks again for your comments.
   — duir2

February 2, 2010
Very smart of you to see another doc! Did the first doc do a barium swallow for you to see if you had a slip? Did he remove all of the fluid and measure it to make sure none was leaking? I had a lot of trouble loosing with the band also. I know your frustration. With all that vomiting over the summer, it is very possible that you have a slip which would put more of the stomach above the band allowing you to eat more before you got full. Are you eating primarily protein? That is important. There are so many foods that will slide through the band that are not good for you, ie. chocolate, pudding, ice cream, shakes, mashed potatoes with lots of butter. I know you said that you were eating very healthy, but it's worth taking a look at all of the things that could be contributing to your not loosing weight. You are doing fantastic with your exercise! Always know that there is hope and people to help you. Let us know what the new doc says, we care!
   — Bonnie H.

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