help - gained weight

in 2 weeks will be my 2 year anniversary RNY. I have gained apx 15 lbs in the last 4 months. I know the answer is getting back to basics but how do you get your mind in the right place for this?    — bikermama (posted on April 15, 2010)

April 15, 2010
Start with a lot of deep soul searching. It is hard, it will make you cry maybe, but sit back and just think about what and why you are feeling the way you do. What are your emotions when you eat. Write them down, write down what you eat then read it the next day. You will soon begin to see a pattern and once your mind is in the right place you can start with the change in food. If you do need professional help to do the soul searching, please do that, don't wait.
   — Kristy

April 15, 2010
post your old pictures on the refrigerator or in the kitchen where you can see them as a reminder
   — KristalleH

April 16, 2010
I had my surgery 10 years ago and it is a constant struglle everyday to maintain my wieght. I have joine weight watchers and i may not be a steady weight loser but it does keep me on track. i have maintained my weight loss within 10 lbs. over the past ten years. at times it is frustrating but weight watchers has proved to be my saing grace. check it out--find a meeting and a good leader. exercise is a must. i try to walk on my lunch. i did have a personal trainer for 3 years to get me on track and focused but then it got too expensive....good luck
   — kbruno

March 3, 2012
4 years out and i weight 164.4 lbs. Want to get back on a food or diet plan. Don't know where to begin.
   — megkaymoo

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