How do I get a proper waist measurement with all the hanging skin

I have lost over 155 lbs and now am not sure where or how to measure waist anymore.    — R. Brown (posted on July 16, 2011)

July 17, 2011
Congratulations on your weight loss! Your waist is what you have. You measure all you have because all you have is what it takes to surround with clothes... or not, as you desire. Keep working on exercises, stretching to limber your muscles and tone them. Work on your posture. Walk. Walk. Walk! You will simply be amazed at how much water is retained in this loose skin that gets eliminated by persistent and consistent simple walking. I know. I've had total hip replacement of my left hip, and have been walking very slowly with my walker for 1 hour a day. I wear knee-high pressure socks because they are so comfortable and not because I thought I had any water retention in my lower legs. With my walker, it takes me 45 minutes to 1 hour to walk only 1 mile; but, I soon found out that I am now having to fold my knee-highs over and over, because my lower legs are slimming. Beautifully. I also found out that the water returns when you stop, as I had to because my pain level has been heinous. So, the water returned. I'm back walking. So, walk, and walk, and walk, and walk, and walk, and walk, and walk, and walk. Keep it up, and you will have a beautiful waist. You can also do specific isometric exercises which will easily tone this loose flab. Check out my own pictures at my website for my progress, if you like. Blessings, Christine Gibson, MS, MA, Inactive OH Support Group Leader, and Bariatric University Trained Support Group Coach
   — Christine Gibson

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