pre-op / surge 4/5 gained wieght need help

I am pre-op having RNY 4/5/ surgeon has requirments that there be weight loss prior to surgery to shrink the liver, i have been doing the protein supplements, but i have quit smoking cold turkey after 17 yrs (about 13/14 weeks now) and added birth control to 2 other meds that cause weight gain as a side effect and have gained 10 lbs (HELP) how can i lose a few extra pounds my mobility is limited due to severe joint problems...l@@king for points of view !    — tiffany E. (posted on March 9, 2006)

March 9, 2006
Tiffany- You need to keep in mind a few issues. First, if any of us could have lost weight on command, none of us would have ever needed surgery in the first place. We all reached that point in our obese lives because, even after being told of the horrific health effects our weight was having on our health, many of us still couldn't start losing weight (in fact, many of us continued to gain). So, don't feel like a failure. Your ability to quit smoking is amazing. Secondly, there are many of us who have been quite successful who could not have lost weight on command prior to surgery. I have kept over 300 pounds off (lost most of it less than 14 months) and didn't lose an ounce prior to surgery. Lastly, losing weight does not necessarily shrink your liver. What shrinks your liver is reducing fat intake in the weeks prior to surgery--- you could, arguably, gain weight by eating bread (with no butter) but not have it affect your liver or you could lose weight by eliminating all carbs, but having a high-fat diet. Arguably, your surgeon would operate on the person who lost the weight, even though retracting that liver might be much more problematic. Our program requires people to cut out fats for at least 2 weeks before surgery. So far, no one has needed to have the procedure done open-- no one has had liver issues. Given what you are going through, try talking to your surgeon before you appointment and explain your particular circumstances. Good luck.
   — SteveColarossi

March 9, 2006
My doctor has us on an all skim milk diet 4 weeks prior to surgery and most people lose at least 20 pounds. It is all the skim milk you can drink in 10 minutes 3-5 times a day. I hope you are not on the birth control pill??!! You should not be on this prior to surgery as it increases your chance of blood clots. Good luck.
   — classite

March 9, 2006
High quality protein, low fat, low calorie/carb vegetables. Keep your calories under 1200 and don't eat sugar, flour products. Satisfy your sweet tooth with fresh fruit and drinks lots of fluids. (Crystal light is great)
   — LauraA

March 10, 2006
LIVER SHRINK DIET Breakfast: 2.0 oz. of cooked lean meat or 1 egg/eggbeater 4 oz. veggies 8 oz. noncalorie beverages Mid Morning Snack: 8 oz noncalorie beverage 4 oz. veggies Lunch: 3-4 oz. cooked lean meat 4 oz. veggies 8 oz. non-calorie beverage mid afternoon snack: (same as mid morning allotment) Dinner: (same allotment as Lunch) Evening Snack: Same as all other snacks 4oz. cooked veggies= 1/2 C cooked or raw veggies 3oz protein= size of a deck cards/bar of soap Take a multivitamin with minerals daily, 1000mg of calcium daily (split 2xday) Drink at lest 64 oz fluids daily (calorie free...crystal lite, water, tea, coffee, broth, seltzer, club soda, artificial sweeteners are OK Meats: (NO SKIN, packed in h2o not oil)very lean burger, chicken, beef steak, turkey, egg whites, eggs, egg beaters, veal lean, lamb lean, pork lean, liver, fish (haddock, perch, cod, flounder, crab, halibut, tuna, shrimp are all low in fat) Veggies:sprouts, asparagus, bambooshoots, beets, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cukes, peppers, lettuces, mushrooms, pickles, radishes, spinach, summersquash/zucchini, tomatoes, green/wax beans, collard/other greens, tomato juice FREE FOODS: sugar free hard candy, sugar free jello, sugar free ice pops, sugar free jellies and syrups, butter buds/mollymcbutter, horseradish, soy sauce, kitchen bouquet, vinegar, lemon juice, nonstick pam, bullion/broth, all herbs/spices, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco sauce, unsweetened pickles This diet is a 600-800 cal/day diet consisting of lean meats and veggies, with little carbs, it maximizes fat breakdown without losing lean muscle mass, fat is used as energy and the small amount of protein saves the lean tissue in the body :spares it". Diet is VERY limited and you may only have 1-2 bowel movements a week. EAT ALL Allowed veggies for bulk! Only to be used for short periods of time (1 mo or so)....You will be inketosis on this diet so drink plenty of fluids to flush wastes out! You may notice sweet fruity breath, this is normal, it is the body's way of blowing of some ketones....
   — Flo

March 10, 2006
Not that I think it is healthy, but the Atkins diet will help you lose weight fast and without hunger. I wouldn't recommend it on a long-term basis, but it does work short term. How much weight do you have to lose???
   — peacefuldaizy

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