Long - Termers --> Is it possible to "jump start" wgt loss?

Hey guys -- I hope you all are well !! I am 3+ years post-op with a recent unfortunate weight gain of about 20# (Sniff !) I admit to the grazing thing creeping back into my life - mostly carbs and sugars -- yes I know I am wrong !!!! BUT - does any one have any actual experience of jump-starting weight loss again by eating nothing BUT protein and veggies- oh yes and of course increasing water (in my case, ice tea or crystal-lite)? Should I take any diet products as well? I am desperate !!! I do belong to the "long-term group, but I still enjoy this site -- a lot !!!!! HELP !! ADVICE wanted and needed !!!! Thanks in advance !!!!!!    — Kewpidoll (posted on September 26, 2006)

September 26, 2006
Kera, I am 4.5 years out... I sabotaged my results, by abusing my tool. Your focus should be brought back to reality... The honeymoon period is over... Focus on nutrition, eating to live and getting 100 grams to 120 grams of protein in a day. Water, water , water... at least 64 oz, I do 80 to 100 oz a day. I am true to my new lifstyle of what I have become. I know that the results of learning how to use my surgery to its best is important to my health... Take your vitamins, eat your protein and learn how to control an obese mind... Hope this helps, Success is earned never given! Celeste from 327 to 140'ish to 198 to 156 to finding my "WHY" now a success to my dreams... 130 pounds and hanging on to lean muscle and a healthy body with a great body fat percentage
   — shakeyourweight

September 26, 2006
I have a feeling I am going to be in the same boat as you if I do not stop it. I am over a year out and have lost 150lbs. I think and have always been told if you start weight gain, to go back to; PROTEIN, LIQUIDS, VITAMINS. Just remember what you did right after surgery and do that until you get yourself back on the path. I can eat anything and sometimes do. But remember you have the tool, and all you need to do is pick it back up and plug it in :)
   — Angelfirewithwings

September 27, 2006
I am also 3 + years out and have gained back 40 pounds and gone up to sizes in pants. I was out odf a job for a year and now have gone back to working nights three days 12 hours a day which is hard becuse I do not eat right. I think Barb tompson with WLS has a jump start program called back on track but it cost so money. I my look at that.
   — joehager

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