anything I can do to prevent hair loss?

   — beach1609 (posted on August 2, 2007)

August 2, 2007
Regarding hair loss, are you taking Biotin. From day one in the support groups all I kept hearing was Biotin, Biotin, Biotin. I did some checking and use it myself now. It doesn't completely stop if from falling out, but it REALLY slows down the process. Not to mention, it does help with the dryness and just overall lack of life. Try it. It's safe for the body. Believe me I wouldn't just put anything in this body. Look on the internet. Go to Google or Ask Jeeves. Lots of info.
   — Catherine F.

August 2, 2007
The short cannot PREVENT hair loss. You are going to lose hair so get your mind around that now. The longer answer is there are tons of things you can do to slow the hair loss down, but none of them are guaranteed. Everybody is diffferent. A friend of mine lost a TON of hair and really looks like she is a cancer patient and not a gastic bypass patient. She also didn't follow the rules and did everything she wasn't supposed to do. I have had hair loss, but nothing too significant. I get all of my protein and fluids and take all of my vitamins like a good girl and that worked for me. I have another friend completely paranoid and is taking everything and anything imaginiable to help with her hair loss. It's been fairly signficiant hair loss, but the pills and potions seem to have slowed things down a bit. Bottom line. Don't freak. Follow the rules, take preventative precautions if you prefer and do what you are told. The rest is up to your body and how it is going to react to your new lifestyle.
   — jammerz

August 2, 2007
increase your biotin vita and protein drinks and b12 . i was having the same problem. when i increase my biotin 3000mg to 3 times a day my hair and nails is growing
   — yvettetas

August 2, 2007
Eat more protein, take biotin and use organic shampoos and conditioners. They all worked for me. The quicker the weight loss, the more hair will fall out.
   — Sheri A.

August 2, 2007
Oh man did I freak out when I lost handfuls, that was all I had, my beautiful hair. Now a year out, 130 down and a ton of new hair poking out!!!!!! wouln't change a thing....Enjoy your journey good and bad.....
   — Lori-D

August 2, 2007
hi there -- i am almost 8 months out and i have NOT lost any hair -- in fact -- i was on medication before my WLS and i lost alot of hair -- but since my surgery i have not lost any and my hair is growing back in -- and it's getting longer and longer :) i make sure i take all my vitamins everyday -- Prenatal (2) Calcium Citrate (1200 mg) Iron (Ferrous Sulfate 325 mg) B-12 (500 mcg) and i MAKE SURE i get in at least the recommended 60g Protein and 30g Fiber a day -- but we were told up front by our surgeon and nutritionist to make sure we got in our protien so that we wouldn't have to go through hairloss -- Good Luck to you :) Roberta
   — RCassety

August 2, 2007
Some people do biotin, some increase protein and b12, I have also heard that zinc helps. The thing about hair loss is that once it starts it is too late to prevent it, it will happen. The hair folicle from damage to depletion is 3 months. It gets damaged, and 3 months later out it comes. By the time it begins to come out, you can't stop it. You might get some control by the things that others mentioned, personally I think protein is the most important unless you are deficient in one of the other areas, but I took the celebration route. If I lost too much hair, I would just buy a wig. Fortuneately I didn't have to, but it kept my attitude in check. I was thrilled with my weight loss, and if it cost my hair for a while, so be it. I cut it short to keep the weight off my head, but other than that I just stayed closed to my vitamins and calcium and worked at my protein. At 3 years out I still have some hair loss from time to time, but it is long again and I am still happy with my weight loss. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

August 3, 2007
Robbee-- I'm 22 months out from RNY, down 165 lbs, and still slowly losing, anyway I had NO issues with hair loss. I have been taking a vitamin from Natures Bounty simply called "Hair, Skin, & Nails". It is not a chewable, you take 3 a day, it's not really cheap, but not horribly expensive either. I also have had no issues with vitamin deficiencies on any of my post op blood tests. I buy it at Wal-Mart, or Albertson's. Hope this helps you-- Kris
   — tynkris

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