Has anyone else experienced this, light headed and headaches

i'm also doing th 2 week liquid fast and i'm on the 7th day and i feel light headed and have bad headaches, i'm drinking water as much as possible to keep hydrated besides my shakes, is this ever going to ease off ...    — claire G. (posted on October 24, 2008)

October 24, 2008
YOU ARE NOT GETTING ENOUGH CALORIES AND NUTRIENTS. please email me and let me know how many shakes a day you are consuming and what the calorie content should be using a shake that has 100% RDA vitamins and minerals like ours. in addition advantage lean meal gives you 46 grams per shake and digestive enzymes, not to mention less than 1 grm of fat, and low cholesterol and low sodium. my email is [email protected]
   — MNI

October 24, 2008
I are not getting enough calories. During my liquid phase, I was still consuming 1,000 calories. The headaches can also be from lack of caffeine - caffeine withdrawals can give you really, really bad headaches. Good luck.
   — jammerz

October 24, 2008
I am 3 weeks Post Op for my RNY. For the first two weeks I was getting dizzy when I didn't have enough fluids. It is getting easier though. Mornings are still sometimes a struggle, but I think it's because I've had nothing to drink all night. If it continues for you, I would call your Doctor though just to make sure your electrolytes aren't off.
   — Sueanne M.

October 24, 2008
In addition to what the other authors have said, I began feeling the same way when my blood sugars and blood pressures were going a little low and my medicines needed to be adjusted. Congrats on your upcoming surgery, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

October 24, 2008
This can also be carb withdrawl.
   — queenbrandy

October 24, 2008
I agree with all the posts, it couidl be a number of to your doc and see if they can help you out..good luck and pt's
   — dawnie28

October 25, 2008
A few things could be going on. The most obvious is that you aren't eating enough. Are you on medication for high blood pressure? If so, you probably need a downward adjustment.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 25, 2008
I agree with everything above, I am right there with you but my Surgery is Monday. I had the fatigue, Headaches and everything else when I started the liquid diet. I called my dietician and he told me I could add in Campbell's Healthey Choice "cream of" soups. My Favorite so far is to mix the cream of broccoli with the cheddar cheese soup, 2 cups of Skim milk. Heat up then blend in a blender. YUM! It took away the shakes, headache and hungry feeling. I also like the tomato with 1cup of skim milk. I also went to Vitamin World today and bought the WHey Protein natural flavor and mixed it with my Adkins advantage shake, this has "stayed with me" for a good two hours now and I am feeling great! (I start on clear liquids and the surgery prep tomorrow! UGH!) Hang in there! It is worth it and your surgery day will be hre before you know it. Don't hesitate to contact me if you need to talk with someone who is 1 just step ahead of you in this process.
   — Pittysmama

October 28, 2008
I agree with everyone and will add that my doctor told me I was not getting enough water in. Make sure you stay hydrated.
   — Dawn L.

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