1 month out && constipation is killing me...please help!

ok I know that it's really gross but it hurts so bad!!! ive never been constipated in my life! does anyone know if theres anything I can do or take that will help it? it is so uncomfortable    — samanthajo (posted on February 28, 2010)

February 28, 2010
hello i know how you feel its a bad feeling in your stomach! i have IBS PROBLEM i was taking a preciption from my doctor after the sugery it no longer works at all, not i am taking exlax pill and big glass of water before going to bed at night , early in the morning you have a large bowel movement dont eat anything after you take the pills, i uaslly takes about 3 pills and only drink water, this works for me now, but if you find out any more info can you inform me please thanks i hope this will help you
   — goal100

February 28, 2010
How much water are you drinking now? Try to double that, you need lots and lots of water. Senecot and dulcolax are also good to help you go. But liquids are what the body needs.
   — marwilldoit

February 28, 2010
Drink more water, and Milk of Mag at night. Always works for me and is what my Dr reccomended.
   — Nurseducky

February 28, 2010
Miralax is really good too. It comes in a powder that you mix into any liquid. It dissolves completely and is pretty much undetectable. Works in about 2 days.
   — Libby R.

February 28, 2010
Same problem here at 3 1/2 weeks out. Husband bought Dulcolax. I took two pills twice a day for two days and ta da !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It works ! Good luck !
   — ButterflyWishes246

February 28, 2010
Hi there I had the same Problem Im about a Month and a half out, I use dulcolax, It helps alot! And also try eating Fiber one every morning!!! That helps so much also, They lots of diffrent kinds of fiber one cereals, I like the oats and honey clusters!! It really works
   — Angela_Dean

February 28, 2010
In addition to the liquids (water, drinks, etc.) and what the other posters have recommended in terms of MiraLax, Ducolax, etc. I also HIGHLY recommend Activa yogurt brand. I myself haven't had to resort (yet!) to the ducolax, milk of mag plan, but found Activa to regulate my digestive track quite well. In fact I typically will have a BM within an hour of eating one small 4-oz. container (and yes at risk of sounding gross) ... it feels so good!! Best of luck to you!
   — momeego

February 28, 2010
I have had horrible trouble since my surgery. At first I was unwilling to do anything that would be "medicine" I was trying to be more healthy right? Fibre (mix in to my liquids) was all I started with, but that wasn't enough, so I started to take the colace daily 3 tabs-one with each meal. Although that definately helped, it wasn't enough so every third or fourth day I would also take Miralax if I hadn't gone yet. My surgeon said that with the limits on what I was eating, 3 days was reasonable. Now I just take Miralax everyday, I've accepted that without some help, I just won't go. I actually have had trouble in that I get very sick to my stomach/nauseous when I have gotten backed up. So my advice is you are early out, don't fret about needing help. And if you need help later on, keep taking it. Miralax is a non-cramping stool regulator and can be taken regularly. Try not to get dependent on laxatives, they can create a problem because you can later require them even if you get enough fibre and solids to make a normal bm possible.
   — scootermedic

February 28, 2010
Constipation does seem to be a problem for many after surgery and I have been told that there are excellent stool softeners one can take that are over the counter. Also, calcium is constipating and we have to take our calcium, so be sure you take magnesium with it or that the calc you take has it in it. It does help. Also be sure you drink plenty! If you are currently drinking 64 oz and having this problem, increase your fluid intake. Talk to your clinic if these don't help. Best of luck to you! hugs,Kim
   — gpcmist

March 1, 2010
I was fine until I started iron supplements - then it was AWFUL. I now use Miralax a few times per week - my PC said its the safest way to go, its not a stimulant, so you won't become dependent on it, but definitely keep your water intake up and as possible, add fiber. Some people on Atkins style diets suffer from constipation - I have had a little relief since adding a couple berries to my breakfast smoothy - and most berries are high in fiber and low in carbs. (I don't like eggs and need a fast, high protein breakfast, so I go with a protein smoothy in the magic bullet.)
   — Diane324

March 1, 2010
There are some natural remedies that my nutritionist even researched and did not find any issues with. One that I use on a pretty regular basis is Slippery Elm. It is an herbal supplement that coats and brings balance to the cologn. You can get it through Natures Sunshine web site or at a reliable health food store. I know at 1 month out it's hard to get enough fiber in your diet but maybe eating a few prunes or drinking a small amount of prune juice could help too. I would try to stay away from laxatives if at all possible because your body can become dependent on them and they can be harsh on your body. Also the Activia yogurt with fiber worked pretty quickly for me recently and is very natural too. I hope you find relief soon and are successful in your weight loss.
   — Lisa von Wallmenich

March 1, 2010
Drink lots of water. I also take Shaklee Herblax. It is natural and it doesn't upset my stomach.
   — Sandra N.

March 1, 2010
Ah....I can totally identify!! Before surgery, I never worried...whether or not I "went" was no big deal, and I never paid much attention. But NOW.... well, now it's a different matter!! I get so constipated that when I DO finally go, it's like trying to pass a golf ball. I take 2 colace daily, and 2 generic Sennokot...but they don't really do the job. Neither does adding fiber, although I also do THAT. I finally found something that, added to the rest, DOES WORK.... and it's not unpleasant. It's a tea by "Traditional Medicinals" and I've found it in major supermarkets in the tea aisle.... and it's called "Smooth Move". It comes in regular and chocolate tasting. I have a VERY large mug (it holds 16 ounces), so when I brew my tea, I actually brew two different kinds -- one bag of mint tea, and one of the chocolate Smooth Move. I let it steep for about 15 minutes, and then add a packet or two of Splenda, and drink it right down. It feels good on my tummy, and works for me within 6 to 10 hours. But I only do ONE cup per day....otherwise, I'm in trouble. My surgeon said it was okay to drink this as needed. I tried metamucil and miralax, neither worked very well for me. Milk of Mag works fine, but I don't really want to rely on laxatives...although I will if I have to. It's a small price to pay.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

March 1, 2010
I'm PRE-surgery but Dannon Activia yogurt works for me. One a day. And they're small.
   — Gail T.

March 1, 2010
I agree!! Drink lots of water, liquids, etc. I did not drink like I should and became very dehydrated!! Not Good!! I almost ended back in the hospital.
   — Pilar12

March 1, 2010
I am 8 weeks out of surgery and have experienced constipation Oh boy!!!. I tried the miralax and drinking fluids now I take a stool softener (colace with my daily medication. I actually became impacted before I started taking the over the counter colace and had to take an enema after that I continued to take the stool softener and have been okay.
   — shortstuff_2010

March 1, 2010
activia yogurts. the strawberry and cereal is VERY good. just the right size too.
   — cinlu

March 2, 2010
Call your Surgeon's office right now. If you have a blockage you can die!
   — Michael Eak

March 27, 2010
if you are not getting enough water that is the first place to start, using stool softeners can help but way not invest in fiber products such as benefiber to add to what you are eating. I have started juicing and got my husband who had the rny to also drink the juice and it has done him wonders. I use a power juicer and buy what ever is on sale in the produce department that week to keep the variety going but the base is always a carrot and an apple and I build from there. He started with 4 oz and added his protein powder and morning meds to it and is now up to 8 oz every morning and staying regular. The rest of the day he concentrates on protein food sources of any kind.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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