food ????

What are most people eating at 8 weeks out?    — cuppaloopy (posted on February 28, 2010)

February 28, 2010
Barbara, What kind of surgery are you having? My Dr. gave me a book descrbing very clearly what to eat in what phase you would be it in. I think you need to talk to your Dr. I was only allowed pureed foods, and only protein at that time. Good luck!
   — FSUMom

February 28, 2010
Most people at 8 weeks out are eating exactly what their surgeon and nutritionist recommended to them.

February 28, 2010
i m 11weeks out,i can eat most everything just not much of it. istay away from bread dry cake dry stringy meats unless cut up against the grain and very small pieces with gravy.
   — hanksguns

March 1, 2010
I agree with the last recommendation. Eat soft foods, take your time and eat nothing "tough."
   — Pilar12

March 1, 2010
At 8 weeks out I was on solid food and ate very litte. I was more reliant on protein drinks. Be sure to follow your surgeon's guidelines.
   — KiaSunRay

March 1, 2010
Tuna fish salad, ricotta cheese with marinara sauce, egg salad, refried beans with salsa, greek yogurt, and homemade and canned soups of all kinds because the meat and veggies in them were cooked nice and soft. For me, chicken was the hardest dense protein; it just didn't sit well with my pouch until I was about 6 months out. I had to have gravy or ranch dip made with greek yogurt to help get meats moist enough unless cooked in a crockpot. Unflavored protein like Unjury can be added to a lot of foods to boost the protein counts since we can only eat a few tablespoons at a time at 8 wks out....that is if you can tolerate the taste of "unflavored" protein. And of course I was and still have at least 1 protein shake per day. Check out the recipe forum too for more food ideas. At 8 wks out you should be able to eat just about anything except raw veggies and fruits unless your surgeon/nut plan is different. At your stage I tried to put a positive spin on my limited diet by calling it 'adventures in eating'. Each meal was an experiment to see if I would be able to tolerate that food or have to re-try it later.
   — Arkin10

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