How can I get rid of my "head" hunger and my "mouth" hunger?

Hey There! Does anybody have any suggestions on how to get rid of my "head" hunger and "mouth" hunger. It's evident that I am addicted to food when I have never had a hunger pain since my surgery, but all I want to do is eat. Although I am eating healthy still bothers me that I am always WANTING to eat. Any idea? Thanks! Jen    — jbuckhannon (posted on January 13, 2011)

January 13, 2011
Hey, Jen... kudos to you for asking. This is THE big question, isn't it? I'm afraid this boils down to different answers for different people... but overeating, specifically eating for entertainment rather than nourishment, is a habit... even an addiction really... that needs to be changed over time. There are tricks, but I'm finding it's hard work. I'm 11 months out from RNY, and I notice I have "trigger points" that make me want to eat. For me, it's when I'm tired, especially if I'm cranky from things that didn't "go right." I have a kinda long post on the subject of working on my head and my heart on my profile page if you want to click through. Like they say... the surgeon didn't operate on our head, ha ha. It's up to us as individuals to do the work to change the feelings, thoughts, habits, addictions that got us into an overeating habit. It's bloody hard work. But I think it's vital work. For me, the first step was therapy with a competent counselor. I'm also attending a mindfulness meditation group, where I'm learning to pay attention to feelings as they crop up. It's a little intimidating what I'm noticing! Some people find great strength in religious practice. It needs to be something that works for you. Good for you for thinking about this... I think this step is under-sold as THE biggest factor separating the successful from the unsuccessful in post-op weight re-gain. My $.02. There are some basic tips that help... learn your "trigger foods" and avoid them altogether (not one bite is easier for me with cookies than trying a little). Don't have them in the house. You'll have to beg people you live with to help you on this one. It's an addiction, like an alcoholic, and you'll need to have that lifetime vigilance to "sobriety," in our case, watching the urge to over-eat. I believe this can be managed without going crazy, but in my case, I need professional help.
   — Greg K.

January 13, 2011
I am so sorry to hear this, I do not know why, but I never had head hunger, I now get hungry for real and I eat what I am supposed to. I have said this many times before in this forum, but I seek professional counseling for these weight issues and it does miracles.
   — FSUMom

January 14, 2011
Drink more water. Most of the time you are more thirsty than hungry. and I snack on Jerky, low sodium I make myself and it has protein.
   — tfqh99

January 18, 2011
Girl I am so with you on this..... i am an emotional eater and a carboholic... i am struggling big time. have gained some weight back and it is sooooo depressing. boredom, stress, being alone... = food= weight= depression and stress and being alone.....I go to counseling and try to do other things, go for a walk, excercise... good luck
   — MarthaJ0110

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