I am five months post-op while take shower I noticed that my breast was leaking.

Would like to know if anyone else have had this problem. My breast is leaking milk. Is it a hormone thing or what? I have not had a child in eleven years. So why is my breast leaking milk. I would appreciate any ask why.    — Mary C. (posted on June 25, 2004)

June 25, 2004
My sister had the same thing happen to her. She hasnt had a child in 6 years and her breast started excreting milk. Her primary physician couldnt find why this was happening and sent her to a endocrinologist who did thyroid test and several other test on her. After sometime they finally had figured out thru a MRI of her brain that she had a pea size tumer in her pituitory glad which was trowing her hormones out of wack. It isnt uncommon for woman but is sometimes hard to detect what the problem is. They often treat all the symptoms for this tumor not knowing there is a tumor in the pituitory gland. Im not sure if this is whats happening to you. As always seek medical attention from a doctor for your symtoms and concerns. There is several forms of treatment for this tumor(removal and medication).If you have any more questions please feel free to email me at [email protected] and i would happy to help you.
   — imgabbie

June 25, 2004
I have a pituitary tumor also and this is one of the symptoms. The tumor causes your body to produce too much prolactin (a pregnacy hormone.) It also causes weight gain. My OB did bloodwork (prolactin level) and a MRI. I am taking Dostinex to try shrink it. It makes me so mad because maybe I wouldn't have gained so much weight if it had been found sooner, but every doctor I saw blamed all of my problems on being MO. I wasn't dianosed until I lost over 100 pounds.
   — Lacy G.

June 25, 2004
Are you still on bc pills? It could be harmones, at your age its close to time to start getting yearly mamograms (age 40). It could be a letdown reflex, or your body is having a psudo (false) pragnancy. It would be a good idea to see your gyn, or pcp who ever does your yearly pap test and get a breast exam, and a mamo. Let us know what you find out. good luck :0)
   — wizz46

June 26, 2004
Milk production by non-pregnant women is not uncommon (galactorrhea). It is usually benign and the exact cause is never determined. Some blood tests to check for hormone levels and a good exam and mammogram will rule out the other causes (pituitary adenoma, breast tumor) that the other posters allude to.
   — DrL

June 26, 2004

   — Ms. G ..

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