i have no insurance at all can any one help me

i dont make good money at all i am 23 and extremly over weight i really want to have the surgery is it totally out of the question    — amyspinson (posted on January 14, 2006)

January 13, 2006
Hi, Hope this might help you- GREAT news ! Overseas, in India the cost of WLS in international accredited world-class hospitals, performed by USA trained/qualified surgeons is: Adjustable Laparoscopic Gastric banding- $ 5400 Roux-en-Y Gastric bypass- $ 9900 Duodenal switches- $ 12000 Gastric Balloon- $ 2100 Gastric Pacemaker- $ 8700 This includes medications, surgery costs, hospital stay, all investigations and cosultations with surgeon and dietician. Just add $ 2400 for your return Air travel, transfers, double occupancy accomodation in 4 star luxury hotel and tour to Taj-Mahal, Himalayas for Yoga or an exotic beach for recuperation vaccations with your partner. SOUNDS GREAT Deal, for details Contact- [email protected] Just One thing missing ......guess what ? These prices do not include breakfast, beverages, snacks or meals ! Who would need it anyway loose weight.... Helpful for all.....espacially...for self paid and private pay.... Best thing is- You can get easy financing for your surgery tour Best Wishes.. AK
   — medtours

January 13, 2006
Hi Amy, Would it be possible for you to look for a new job? It will be a big change in the working world but if they offer insurance and can pay for surgery then it would be well worth it. Do your state offer medicaid insurance to individuals that work but make less than a certain amount. I would check with your town hall clerk's office.
   — Slimming Down

January 14, 2006
Amy, I can totally relate - only I was much older than you! I was 38 with a BMI of 64, many life-threatening co-morbidities, and I was in a wheelchair. My doctors said I wouldn't be alive much longer. My husband and I are both well educated, but neither are working in the field of study. I am a stay at home Mom - exactly where I want to be - with my kids! Living on a single income, with no financial assets, just barely making it. I know how disheartening and frightening it can be! Imagine my surprise and shock when I learned that neither of our insurance coverages would pay for WLS - even though I had letters of medical necessity from all FIVE doctors on my medical team! We talked to an attorney who specializes in helping people get coverage for WLS (by fighting their insurance company) - and he told me there was no hope with the companies that we were dealing with - and that I should save my pennies and self-pay for surgery. Yeah - well, might as well have imagined I could fly! BUT - I believe with all my heart that God is in the business of miracles. Someone anonymously donated $15,000 into my surgery bank account so that I could have surgery. So I did - I went to Alcoy, Spain and Dr. Aniceto Baltasar for my BPD/DS on July 2, 2002. It has been one of the greatest blessings of my life. I've lost 210 pounds, I've been free of my wheelchair since just a couple of months after my surgery, no longer have diabetes, hypertension, congestive heart failure, sleep apnea, gerd, stress incontinence, or the other co-morbidities that I was dealing with on a daily basis. I know it feels hopeless right now. But don't give up hope! I'm going to be praying that there will be a way for you to have surgery soon, too, okay? If I can be of any help, let me know, okay? Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

January 14, 2006
Amy, I know you are probably stressing out about this --don't. The State of Maryland has provides insurance to it's residents, check with Alabama to see if they offer any type of program such as this. If they do, you can seek insurance, or check into Medicare/Medicaid --check their websites --to see what will it take for you to qaulify. I take it your whatever company you work for doesn't offer health benefits. Good luck and as nother poster said -- God is still in the Miracle Working Business.
   — the7thdean

January 14, 2006
As everyone else here has mentioned Amy, Insurance from your job, etc, etc... Those may work, but typically these days the surgeon's want their fee up front or at least a portion thereof. One thing you can do if you don't have a lot of money is look into taking out a medical loan to cover that cost, once you have insurance. Your insurance will reimburse a certain amount, and you will have to pay what is left. CareCredit is one that does medical loans, and depending on the amount you borrow, it is zero to 4% interest I think... Anyhow, look around, financing is out there. I am 25, and didn't have the money either. My family helped out by taking a loan against their house. I just make sure to make the payment every month... There are ways of making it happen. Just keep praying and searching. Good luck -Tanya
   — tanyawood

January 16, 2006

   — Kasey

January 16, 2006
DEFINATELY GO TO VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION!!! I had Cigna and it covered the surgery...but they were just taking unreal amount of time...we had been fighting with them for about 13 months...VOCATIONAL REHAB took the case and my husband is now 7 weeks post op with NO COST AT ALL to a matter of fact he has to have an upper GI tomorrow because he's been having a little bit of pain and VOCATIONAL REHAB has already sent authorization for payment to the hospital for THAT test SEVEN WEEKS POST OP...there is no better program than voc rehab...good luck!
   — stuff101

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