Has anyone had problems with previous surgery complicating WLS?

I had my gallbladder and appendix out many years ago,thus,scar from top to bottom. When I met with my doctor he said that he might not be able to free up my small intestines,so he wouldn't be able to preform gastric bypass.But, he wouldn't know until surgery.This feels like a lot to go through just to come out of surgery exactly the same.    — DebbieMck (posted on March 21, 2007)

March 20, 2007
Debbie, Good Morning -- my surgery took a little longer because he had to remove scar tissue from a previous surgery in which the surgeon started by attempting to perform the procedure by use of lapro and in the end had to cut me. My WLS surgeon said the previous surgeon either didn't have the right tools or hadn't had enough experience. I don't know of any x-ray or MRI can determine how much scar tissue you might have; but hey -- doesn't hurt to ask if those tools can locate scar tissue prior to having the surgery.
   — the7thdean

March 21, 2007
Hello! I had my WLS and it was Lap RYN on Feb. 1st of this year. My surgery went great. When I got home I felt very sick to my stomach and was spitting all of the time. Come to find out they had to do a scope on my stomach. The hole was almost closed. Tomorrow will be my third scope and I don't know how many more I will have to do. Because of all of this it is hard for my to drink all of my fluids. I can eat food. I think that it is a big surgery and I didn't realize anything about the scope. Well, I was told that like some people have to do it but, I was at low risk. I think once I'm done getting the hole bigger things for me will be good. It's just very hard right now. I am almost 7 weeks out and down 43 lbs. My big advise for you would be to just pray about it and see how you feel about everything. Good luck with whatever you chose.
   — Katie S.

March 21, 2007
I had my gallbladder and appendix out in 1995 laprascopically. I had no issues with my LAP/RNY - in fact the surgeon said it was text book. There is any risk with surgery and until they open you up, sometimes they just don't know. Bottom have to decide either way for yourself. It's a tough call, but if he can manage to get it all would be worth it (to me). Jammie
   — jammerz

March 21, 2007
Debbie, I have had my gall bladder and appendix removed, plus a hysterectomy, yet my surgeon had no problem doing WLS (RNY lap procedure) last Fall. Could you try another surgeon for a second opinion? Annette
   — annette R.

March 21, 2007
Debbie, Seek a second opinion. Surgeons who are well experienced in laparascopic surgery should be able to perform your surgery laparoscopically. My surgeon has completed over 500 cases lap and only one open. We have operated on patients who have had numerous abdominal surgeries and the patients have done well. Best of luck to you!
   — anyce

March 21, 2007
I had major abdominal surgeries in 1991 and then again in 1993. I went onto have open RNY in 2003. It took longer (double the time 4 hours) for the surgery. You might want to look into the skill level of your surgeon. Prior surgeries should not hinder you having open RNY. He may be saying that you might not be able to have your RNY done laproscopically but you might have to have it open instead.
   — ChristineB

March 21, 2007
HI... there are lots of people who have had previous surgeries and still are able to have the RNY. Your surgeon is just being honest and conscientous by telling you that there is a CHANCE that he will not be able to do the RNY. He wants to know what your wishes are prior to doing the surgery. If he can't do the RNY then ask him to do the lapband. Make sure that the insurance company is aware of the possible change of plans in surgery due to possibility of prior scar tissue formation. Good luck to you...
   — Kari_K

March 22, 2007
I never had any type of surgery before my wls. My doctor told me that people with scar tissue due to prior surgery he might have to do open surgery instead of lap. You might want to see another doctor and get another opionion.
   — barfiep01

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