
WHAT SHOULD I DO?    — mamita093 (posted on May 19, 2008)

May 19, 2008
Greetings Michael: In order to help you, we really need to know more about you. You joined in April 2005; yet, your profile only lists your name. So I know your name and that you are male. Other than that, I have no idea on what I could recommend to help you. So help us out and tell us about what surgery you had, how it went, how much you have lost, what exercises you are doing, your nutritional needs, your records, your moods, your family support and friends, etc.
   — Christine Gibson

May 19, 2008
Sounds like you are out of control on gaining weight back, but you have to specify so others can give you an answer.
   — nascar_angel_3_2003

May 20, 2008
One of the most difficult things to go through is guessing one's self. I know that it's hard to get back on the bike, but the more time you spend thinking about it is the harder it will be to get back on. think of what you started and how hard it has been before you made up your mind. How did you feel when you went into another size? Did it make you smile? No matter what is going on in your space you deserve to take care of YOU! With GOD'S HELP YOU CAN DO IT! Lydia C.
   — gorgeoushoney

May 20, 2008
First, find a counsellor so that you can address if there are any longterm issues at play (are you depressed and eating in response, are you suffering from increased level of anxiety). Secondly, if you don't already, attend support group meetings where you can find strength in the successes of your peers and encouragement in your own battles. Third, chronicle the steps you followed when you were successful and try to replicate them. Fourth, diary what you eat and plan and measure your meals and snacks. Fifth, appreciate that you are not alone, that you have a web full of peers who will support you but that ultimately, late at night, the only one who can prevent you from opening the refrigerator door is you.
   — SteveColarossi

May 20, 2008
Hi Jen... Many WLS grads who are 3 or more years out find themselves in your situation...and many times it is the same story...They have begun eating carbs and sugar and have that aweful carb monster on their back along with several extra pounds and the hunger pangs and cravings make it impossible to get control back...Go to this web site and read about this 5 Day test. It is a diet to get you off carbs and sugar and able to feel your pouch again tot he point where you have soooo much more control. It's not a diet to lose weight, but it will get you back on track somewhat easily if you can make it for TWO days...By then, day 3-4-5 are so easy and you FEEL SOOO MUCH BETTER! www.5daypouchtest Get the carb monster off your back and you'll be back on track...The rest is up to you...You can do this.
   — .Anita R.

May 20, 2008
There are several things you can do, but all of it is tough, and you have to decide do you want the compounded consequences of obesity/surgery/obesity again or are you going to snap out of it? If you take inventory of your eating, your habits, your exercise and your water intake, you will come up with answers. You probably know what you need to do, you just won't do it. It is really your choice, it does not hurt me that you hurt you, it is your choice. You can get on track. There is book after book, program after program. It is diet/exercise/water, the same old story, and I am cheering for you here, not critisizing you, but cheering for you, you can do it! We sit is a haze of "I can't I can't I can't", but we can, we can make changes and live better. If you choose to not do that, it is your choice to make, but the consequences of that choice is yours alone to bare as well. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

May 21, 2008
I do not know much about your issues but I have gained 40 lbs back in the last few months and if you would like to talk my email address is [email protected] and this is my work email so I can talk with you anytime during the day.Sometime other people can they are going thru the same things. My weight loss was 200 lbs. Beck
   — RebeccaAlex

May 21, 2008
ORIGINAL POSTER: Thank you for your possitive words of support. My surgery was 6yrs ago LAP RNY. The reason I've gained weight is because I over eat and eat all the time. I was able to make it to my goal weight of 150, but the extra pounds are here. I'm not out of control I just have a problem coping with some problems and I turn to food.
   — mamita093

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