concerns after getting a band fill

Has anyone experienced after getting a band fill the doctor withdraws the needed and no saline comes back out? That happened to me on my 3rd fill and now I have to get a dye xray done to check the bands position.    — tinetta2693 (posted on January 31, 2009)

January 31, 2009
I have a Lap Band and I have never looked at the needle. I don't know if the Dr. takes out saline or not. That would be scary to have to get an xray. I will be checking back to see how you are doing. Good luck and hopefully they will get to the bottom of this. Susan
   — susangielda06

February 1, 2009
They draw a little bit of saline out to make sure they are in the right spot before they put more in. I have only had one fill with no problems so I am not sure. I did have to have a x-ray about 6 months after my surgery just to be sure everything was ok but not because of any complications. The dye xray was very easy. They had me drink some contrast while they were doing the xrays. It took about 1 minute to complete. I hope all goes well for you and I will keep you in my prayers. Keep us posted!
   — tunderhill

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