enlarged stoma

HI well everyone seems to be telling me my problems is called an enlarged stoma..which is an enlargement of the entry between the stomach and the intestine. i am from alberta canada. had rny with dr.nohr 5 years ago. lost 130 gained 75 back. i would like to talk to others who have had this problem, i have heard about the rose proceedure but am unsure if it is available in if anyone in alberta has had this problem i am so anious to hear from u...but even if not from canada still like to hear experiences with this thanks everyone    — sweetdarling_ab (posted on February 8, 2009)

February 8, 2009
hi there- did you ask for a copy of your operative report after your RNY? It will tell you how many cm's bypassed, n addition to the size of the stoma. Were you transected, or just stapled. Transected means cut- separating the old stomach from the new pouch. Now to your question- post op, most stoma's are approx the size of a pencil eracer. Just means you have to chew the stuffing out of everything you eat. Sometimes pts have to be scoped because its hard to keep food down because the stoma shrinks. On the other hand, if you are following your eating protocol, only eating the amount you are allowed, even if the stoma has gotten a little larger, that isnt the cause of wt gain. Over a period of time, since the pouch is considered muscle, it will enlarge- i don't mean to giant size, but for instance, my initial pouch was 1 ounce. I will be 5 yrs out in march, and 2 weeks ago i had some tests done not related to wls, but we saw it is approx 2.5-3 inch now. Thats cool, doesnt matter because i still am only allowed half cup of food per meal. Your stoma size doesnt cause wt gain. You need some x-rays, and go back through your food journal to see amounts you were eating post op, then and now to compare Hope that helped. Cindi M.D. retired -230# and maintaining the loss
   — DollyDoodles

February 8, 2009
hi Cindi, i was Transected. Dr. Nohr has been doing surgery for over 20 years, and is pretty straight forward. if he felt that i just needed to eat less rather than going to see a specialist trust me he would. i am on a specialized GI diet right now and have been taking counseling for eatting problems. the amount of food i can eat as much as i could before surgery.if i felt that i could lose the weight with out having a gastric bypass would definitely done so. thanks Dawn
   — sweetdarling_ab

February 8, 2009
When you say "everyone seems to be telling me..." I am curious as to who EVERYONE is. The only person/people who are qualified to determine whether or not you have an enlarged stoma is your doctor/surgeon. If you have been to the doctor and diagnosed with this, I wish you the best of luck. Hopefully you will get some good responses. If you have not been diagnosed by a doctor, then please make an appointment as an enlarged stoma is not the only reason a person will re-gain weight that has been previously lost. Good luck.
   — mrsidknee

February 9, 2009
Hi sid, i previously posted and said that my surgeon dignosed me with an enlarged bowel. he said it was where the opening is from the pouch to the small intestine. thats when i was told that it was called the stoma. thanks sfor your reply, my surgeon is refering me to have it fixed but i still dont know who is gona fix it and how it will get fixed.seems there is different proceedures in the us than in cnada. keep care
   — sweetdarling_ab

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