I would ;ike to know if there is anyone that has had wls now have severe low blood s

I have low blood sugar and am very stressed.I eat my balanced meals and two snacks a day and still have problems. I have gained back twenty pounds in ten years and scared to death.I had my first surgery done in 1995 and after three years i still had to blend everything and stayed in and out of the Hospital because of dehydration or food getting stuck when i did try to eat. I went to another surgeon and he said it was done wrong and I let him reverse it to RYN.and Ds.Now i want to have it reversed again but i haven't talked to another surgeon yet.The last surgeon messes up a lot and his liscenses was taken away.Ialso have severe muscle spasmsover my whole bldy.My stomach knot up as well as my feet,legs,thighs evev back muscles.I have had to call 911 a couple of times to be taken to the hospital.All of my lab work is fine;So i think it is fron the surgery.MY PC.hve me on muscle relaxes but i want to get to the cause of the problem.Have anyone had any of these problems?If so share your experience with me and what you did about it.    — vzexft19 (posted on August 3, 2009)

August 3, 2009
I have had the extremely low blood sugar, too. I took the glucose tolerance test last week and the last draw showed my BS at 40. My family dr. wants me to see a specialist, but I called the surgeon who did my wls and I am waiting to hear more information. My sugar only drops when I drink a lot of strong coffee in the am. It only happens in the am, after I eat, never in the afternoon. Someone called it Reactive Hypoglycemia. I know this is a common problem with RNY patients. I was told to stay away from the white sugars, flours, etc. Only eat whole grains, but even with that, I don't see an improvement. Good luck to you.
   — Debbi S.

August 4, 2009
I have the same issue as the first posted. My blood sugar drops very low but only after I drink coffee. I have found that if I stay away from caffine I am ok. If I do drink caffine I will have a protein shake with some fruit blended in it about an hour after and then I'm ok. Talk with your nut. There are ways to control it was diet but it does take a while to figure it out.
   — amylbarron

August 4, 2009
Hi Debbie and Amy, you both have easy solutions to the problem DON'T DRINK COFFEE!!!. (smile)I was a heavy coffee drinker before surgery but has since stopped completly because it is hard to get my water and protien in, I just stay away from putting things in my stomach that don't help my water or protien intake. me.
   — sallie H.

August 5, 2009
I have also had the same problem. I notice it mostly at night, right before I go to bed. I have not had a Glucose Tolerance Test yet but I check my blood sugar often. My doctor wanted me to start doing this first to get an average on where my blood sugar is running. I get the shakes, dizziness, cold sweats and very disoriented. I have learned to recognize the early symptoms when an episode is about to happen. I now always carry the glucose tabs in my purse and car. I don't go anywhere without them. When I notice any signs or symptoms i immediately check my blood sugar and depending on the readings I treat the symptoms accordingly. Getting a meter and checking my blood sugar often has been the best options for me. I guess this is just one of the side effects that one can have from any type of weight loss surgery. Since my surgery date April 2007 I have lost 150 lbs and have never felt better. I would do it all over in a second.!
   — pixiegirl09

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