So why can't we????

So why is it anyways that some people have to be on a liquid diet for a week and other's don't. Why is it some people can eat turkey at christmas just before their surgery and others can't. Exactly what foods bother the liver. Just curious.    — cuppaloopy (posted on December 23, 2009)

December 23, 2009
I was told before my surgery the reason for liguids to soft diet was so that the liver would shrink and would make the surgery go easier. I think its the fats that need to be avoided. Good Luck
   — Redhead7977

December 23, 2009
I was on liquids two weeks before surgery to shrink my stomach and liver and make my procedure easier to e completed laprascopically rather than open. I can see where a individual provider might allow the turkey for protein and if he/she thinks that you might not be able to stick with the liquids. I was on my pre-op liquids during Thanksgiving so it can be done. Food that have high sugar alcohol and fats bother the liver.
   — jvannatta

December 23, 2009
I didn't have to do a liquid phase..I had to lose 10% of my body weight before the surgery (the act of losing the weight makes your liver shrink). So it depennds on your surgeon which one is to be one. I lost 35 pounds in 2 months and my liver was the way it was supposed to be when I had the surgery.
   — okbuffy

December 26, 2009
We don't have to do the liquid diet, we just had to lose weight in the 6 months prior and not gain or surgery could be postponed.
   — kmom1420

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