How do I check my DR.s history?

isnt there a certain web site that contains complaints or lawsuits? i havent had surgery yet and i am very scared and want to check all the nooks and cranies!!please any advise would be greatly appriciated!!!!    — TIFFANY R. (posted on February 9, 2003)

February 9, 2003
It is different for every state. Start by looking for your state's Board of Medicine, and look at links from there for license revocations, probation, supervision, etc. You can probably also look at the city the doctor is located in and check with the county court clerk's office for any cases with your doctor's name. Some states may regulate physicians under a Board of Professional Regulation. Some states give more information than others. Most of this information will be available on the internt. Also find out what hospital the doctor practices at and check to see if there are any serious complaints. Keep in mind when doing this to use your common sense. You are looking for serious stuff. In this country, any one can sue anyone for anything whether it is true or not. Whether it has merit is a question for the court. So if you do find something against the physician you choose, dig deeper before you make a decision. I think you are doing a wise thing. I did that before selecting my surgeon. He checked out great, and he did a great job.
   — Darlene P.

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