Tylenol, Cramps and Liver Damage

I am 2 1/2 years post op and continue to have severe menstrual cramps. I have been sent through numerous tests and everything is okay however I still need meds for approximately 2 weeks a month to keep from being in bed. Prior to surgery I would take 600-800 mg Motrin regularly but now take 2 Tylenol every 4-6 hours. This is where my concerns start. My father has some liver damage and has been told never to take Tylenol due to how harsh it is on his liver. With me taking so much Tylenol I am worried I am injuring my liver now. I don't want to hurt my pouch so have stayed away from NSAIDS but am now really worried about my liver. It seems there is nothing safe to take anymore. I have researched here on obesityhelp but many of the old threads are from 2-3 years ago and I know meds have changed tremendously in that time. Does anyone have any ideas on what I can try taking? Cindy    — Cindy M. (posted on February 20, 2006)

February 20, 2006
This may not be possible. But you would have to ask your doctor. What comes to my mind is some type of duragesic patch, low dosage of course. but then you could wear it doing those times of the month only, and no fear of addiction, and would have to worry about digestion. I don't know if its possible, just a thought. Good Luck! I have had those kind of cramps I know how bad you feel. ~maureen~
   — rmc5605

February 20, 2006
It's time to join the Grad list. No guarantee that you'll get the answers you need, but there's a lot of folks also watching liver function, like you. There is a lot of combined long term experience on this list and I'd recommend it in conjunction with this site and any local lists you use.
   — vitalady

February 20, 2006
my daughter uses birth control for the cramps. instead of pain relievers.
   — walter A.

February 20, 2006
Cindy, I have just recently been on the pain killer Vicodine wich have high high amounts of Acetominaphin in it. I had worries too about my liver. I quit taking them. The next time I talked with my doctor I told her about my worries that I wouldnt even take tylenol afterwords because I thought it was wayyyyyyyy too much Acetominiphin for my liver. She told me that an individual can take up to 4,000 g of Acetominiphin before it becomes harmful to the liver... I don't know if that goes for long term use or not, but you might wanna ask your doc. whas a safe dose is and how it will be on long term useage... Hope this helps... Your WLS Friend Jo Michalko
   — Jo_Michalko

February 20, 2006
Hi Cindy... it is surprising that they did not find endometriosis with all the pain. How thorough of a work up did they do? Anyway... I used to take a medicine for irritable bowel syndrome called Bentyl (generic dicyclomine). It is a smooth muscle relkaxer that doesn't make you feel like other muscle relaxers do. It actually works very well for menstrual cramps and I take it for that now. It is not an NSAID or any other type pf painkiller. It is strong enough to be used for cramps that people detoxing off of drugs get and it works well. I am so sorry that you have to go through all that pain! I wish you well! I also agree with the birth control suggestion and if you have tried it before and it didn't help perhaps you have tried the wrong pill but why not take seasonal and only get your period 4 times a year? Good luck, Hugs, Stef
   — SteffieBear15

February 21, 2006
Liquid Vicodin is what I take when it's really severe (I have endometriosis). Half doses when I need to be able to function the rest of the day (1 tsp instead of 2). Little chance of liver or pouch damage.
   — Ravenwulf

February 21, 2006
Hi Cindy! I feel for you, I used to get cramps only for a few days, but I missed work, and spent a lot of time sitting on the end of the tub, waiting to see which end would revolt next. (yecch) Yes, birth control pills will work, and Stefanie's suggestion sounds good. I used to rely on Vallium. I would take half a tablet of the lowest dose available, and it would relax the cramps (ditto a smooth muscle relaxant) without sending me off into la-la land. Check with your surgeon again about what meds you can take. I was told I could never take aspirin, but after a little argument, he basically told me to try it, but don't blame him for any bad results. I did, it didn't, and now I can take them when I need backache or arthritis relief, because for me, tylenol and motrin are a waste of the water it takes to swallow them! Hope you find something to take the pain away -- have you tried the other old standby, a nice stiff drink? :-)
   — mwilson523

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