Pittsburghs sad news Beth Klemm died, She was one of Dr Schauers nurses I decided to post this here, since I know how many pittsburgers frequent Q&A. For those who dont know Beth herself a post op was one of UPMCs fine bariatric nurses. She was such a encouragment to others, and provided such wonderful care for physical as well as the emotional side of all this. On a related note after Dr Schauer left our support group colapsed. I REALLY MISS our support group family. I will be visiting the funeral home tonight and hope to see some of you there. Truly a sad day here....    — bob-haller (posted on June 23, 2006)

June 23, 2006
Bob I am so sorry to hear of the loss. Please know you are in my prayers and so is her family.
   — Stephanie B.

June 23, 2006
Hi Bob, So sorry to hear about Beth's death, especially at such a young age! It's hard to imagine, let alone live with the fact, that someone so giving is no longer on this earth - there is a palpable void. How did Beth lose her life? Was it bariatric related? Perhaps even in her death she may help your support group get together if only briefly (maybe more often) to celebrate her life. Take care and prayers sent your way, Sue
   — lovey063

June 23, 2006
I saw laura and cathy some of staff from the old group last nite. Beth died from a liver problem unrelated to WLS. They report WLS gave her many more yearsm she had it before her surgery..Laura currently works for Schauer in cleveland I am planning on stopping by one of his support group meetings soon. Jen and myself are going to make a donation to animal friends in her honor
   — bob-haller

June 27, 2006
I met Beth when i had my surgery ...i am so sorry to hear of her passing ...she was a truly loving and helping person ........Peg Shuffstall
   — mmers57

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