sanitary question regarding bm after lap rny????

How do you clean yourself (wipe) after surgery? was told no bending or twisting after surgery. I know this has probally been asked but I could not find it.    — mexicomichelle31 (posted on December 29, 2006)

December 29, 2006
thats what your support person is for!! my mom is gonna be the lucky person, after all she did it for years it's just a lot bigger now, haha.
   — RNlvnCARSON

December 29, 2006
I am 7 day post surgery and i am not in pain at all. My first BM wass't till the 25th. Just take it easy and ask for help if needed. You can do it!
   — Bridget P.

December 29, 2006
I am two weeks out and at the beginning was very difficult but I did some myself and my dear husband helped too.
   — Beatriz A.

December 29, 2006
In the hospital I was assisted only because my portable toilet was not a larger size. But when I got home, I didn't have a problem. I also had no pain with surgery. I had six sites because of my liver, but I never had any pain to speak of. I am 2 1/2 weeks post op.
   — Diane C.

December 29, 2006
If you take the required oral fleets enema the night before surgery, it will be a few days before you have to go.(4-8 days post-op) I'm 8 weeks out and when I finally went I was able to clean my self. If indeed you have to bend or twist, just move very slow.So, if you can avoid needing help with this particular task, have those helpful folks around you do something they won't dread. You can do it !! Best of luck to you.
   — purnellj

December 29, 2006
I used a wooden spoon but others use tongs.
   — KimT.

December 29, 2006
I was given tongs in the hospital.
   — MJP0520

December 29, 2006
I don't know if this would be helpful post-op, but I find it very helpful pre-op. I buy Handi-Wipes (but NOT from Wal-Mart, they sell an inferior kind), tear them in half length-wise and wet the middle. Then I put it between my left and pull back and forth until completely clean. It's been a real life saver - I just carry them in my purse. My surgery is Jan. 3. Can't wait! But scared, too! Jane
   — Jane C.

December 30, 2006
This was a goal for me. I did not want my dad or his girlfriend to have to wipe my bottom. I had help while in the hospital for a couple days, but was able to do it myself once out of the hospital. I had an open DS Sept 19th of this year.I did bring a puff ball on a stick just in case, but used it in the shower to wash instead. The wipes they give you at the hospital help too.
   — Claire K.

December 30, 2006
Congratulations Michelle for asking a difficult question, or maybe I should say one of the embarrassing ones! Many don't ask the hard questions. The answer is not that hard though. I was very concerned about that for myself because I really didn't want anyone wiping me if I didn't really "need" it, so my privacy was a real concern (I am now almost 3 years post op). I took a plastic spoon (same style as a wooden, but plastic instead), and also wet wipes. They make wet wipes that are not baby wipes, but are in the baby section. The nurses thought I was nuts, but I cleaned myself without one issue or problem, and I didn't have to wait on the nursing staff for any cleaning. I also brought cleaning wipes (Colman in camping supplies makes them). I used them to clean myself so they did not have to bathe me either. My husband helped clean me and I had my privacy, was clean and had my dignity. Not to mention I did not have to wait on them for cleaning or that type of care. The hospital will want to know though that you went to the bathroom, and view the results, so don't flush so they can see how you are doing :). The more prepared you are for your surgery the more confident you will be with your own care and your results. Many people don't take the time to prepare for the trip to the hospital. Please prepare and be the best manager of your own care. Also be sure you have an advocate for those first few days, your husband, your good friends, church family, be sure they are checking on your medications and care. You will be pretty out of it for the first few days and someone who is not out of it needs to oversee your care. Medical professions are great people, but they make mistakes and get busy. That is what your advocate is there for, to be sure when those things happen, that they don't affect you while you are not watching! Be sure to have support for yourself. Best to you, Patricia P
   — Patricia P

December 30, 2006
Hi, I'm Christie - I'm Pre-Op & have had to deal with this particular issue for the past 4 or 5 years or so ... I will be doing the same thing Post-Op until I've lost enough weight that I'm able to reach my backside. I'm VERY small - only 4'8.5" with extremely small hands, feet, facial features, VERY short legs & lastly, VERY, VERY short arms! My highest weight as 305 lbs. with most of my weight in the front; looking like I have 2 bellies! Once I'd realized that until I could have surgery, I would need some sort of an implement. They sell them on a Bariactric website (write 2 me @: [email protected] if you'd like the information). The problem for me however, was that it still wasn't long enough for me! However, it DID come with it's own carrying case & it was small enough to carry in your purse! Now, for myself (since what I found, was too short - because of my short arms) here's what I do: I have a long wooden back-scratcher that I thread tissue through, fold over the top, then wrap around several times; no troubles reaching & I rarely get it "dirty". It washes up just fine with hot water & soap! Good luck to you. Happy 2007! Take care 'm God Bless!
   — Christie W.

December 30, 2006
Thank you for asking that question! Before I had my surgery.. I heard from different was impossible to wipe and others said they had no problem at all. I had an OPEN RNY two weeks ago. First let me say this part too. I've worked in a hospital for years and are very familiar with a CNA's responsiblities. I've also been with my husband for 15years (since high school) we've been through everything..childbirth..everything! Now..when I went in to have my surgery I was going to be damned if I let my husband wipe my behind so I knew I'd never see any of the CNAs again. So, I asked the CNAs **several** and EVERY single one of them made me embarassed and made a huge deal about doing it. Even sat there and looked at me and asked..."you mean you CAN'T wipe??" After TRYING to explain that I couldn't and why some finally tried. This is so embarrassing for me but my behind isn't exactly small..which I'm sure most of you all know this too. Anyway, They needed to get in there you know and they didn't and I kept explaining I had a BM they barely wiped and were like nooo you didn't. I asked can you please wipe inside more.. soooo embarrassing as the seconds of pleading and begging. Never felt more like crap in my life. I was damn near in tears. Said okay finally and let them go. My husband being the absouletly wonderful man that he is knew how I felt about all of this and saw how they were being to me. Just came in there with the wipes that we bought before surgery ( I used the platex fem wipes) and just wiped me..said no to worry and he'd rather do it so it was done right. When he wiped me he was telling me I did have a BM and how stupid they were. so, please please if you have a support person like spouse or mother..please let them. They care about you far more than the staff!! Sorry it's long but just wanted to share with you my experience.
   — Rebekkah T.

December 30, 2006
Taking a bath or showering might be the easiest way to clean yourself. Good Luck.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 31, 2006
I brought a (new) wooden spoon & some wet wipes to the hospital, planning to wrap the wipes around the spoon. As it turned out though, I didn't have a BM until a week after surgery, and I was able to move around well enough to wipe by then.
   — kamykami

January 2, 2007
I took wipes to the hospital, maneuvered slowly, and used as many wipes as needed to feel clean. It's doable :-)!
   — Tigs

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