Has anyone been diagonsed with myasthenia gravis AFTER surgery and then had revision?

My gastric was 1999 and i did great.Had 2nd child in 2005 and started getting sick immediately after he was born.was constantly fatigued, tired,put on numerous meds, LOTS of steroids.started packing on weight.diagnosed with hashimotos thyroiditis also.had to quit work because of the m.g.After 13 doctors, finally got my meds regulated and got off the prednisone...100 pounds later.but i take responsibilityfor every pound.just help getting it off.exercise not an option much anymore.anyone know of a person with m.g. having a revision after having a gastric?and thanks for letting me vent!no one at home can quite understand, since myasthenia is kinda rare, and gastric is special also.thanks again everyone.    — herecomesred (posted on July 26, 2007)

July 26, 2007
My name is Robin, too, and I am in the process of getting approved for a revision to my 1999 gastric bypass. I originally lost 120 pounds. I did OK until 2005, when I also started gaining again. At this point, I am back to my original weight plus 1.5 pounds! I know that revisions can be done to gastric bypass operations. I was told that my pouch had stretched back to its original size (which I understand is common in gastric bypass patients). So my options are (1) to have them resize the pouch or (2) to get a lap band over the previous surgery. I'm waiting to hear from the doctor which would be best for me. I am praying that this will work for me. Good luck to you.
   — RobinAbernathy

July 26, 2007
I haven't been diagnosed with anything--but I am constantly fatigued and tired and SICK! But I am also pregnant again for the second time (babies will be 12 months apart)... And I have had a total of 4 surgeries and 2 pregnancies in 6 years. I think my body hasn't had time to heal correctly. Anyway I wanted to tell you that prednisone on it's own can cause a BIG weight gain! I have seen it happen numerous times. Including my Mamaw who is almost 80 and rarely eats a bite! She has gained about 50+ pounds, and we can't get her to eat! So we all know it is not her fault, and the doctor even told her that is a side effect of the steroids! Don't beat yourself up too bad--you had help gaining the weight!

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