How long ago do you havee surgery?

I'm about 8 years post-op. I never did reach my goal weight of 220 pounds. I'm about 240 pounds; but I started at nearly 495 pounds. I've never gained any of my weight back but never lost as much as I wanted. I'd like to know who is as far out as me if not longer and did you reach your goal weight? Have you gained any weight back after your surgery?    — Jason B. (posted on February 12, 2008)

February 12, 2008
I got to my goal weight for about 6 months. Everyone thought I looked too thin. I put back on 20. I seem to go back and forth between 10 and 20 pounds. I think that is great how much you have lost and maintained. Sometimes I think our bodies know what is the correct weight for us. I am 4 1/2 years post op.
   — Carlyn M.

February 12, 2008
I'm only 7 months out and down 100 pounds. I think you should be very proud of your accomplishment!!!!!! Maybe you didn't reach your "goal weight" of 220, but you are only off by 20 pounds and just think how much better your life must be not weighing 495 anymore! I think if you feel great and are doing so well, you should be proud of yourself and not beat yourself up over 20 pounds. I do understand that you would have liked to see the goal weight, but you have come a long way and your loss is definitely nothing to be ashamed of!! WAY TO GO!!!!
   — ALafferty

February 12, 2008
8 years and never gained your weight back? I am sooo proud of you! I reached my goal weight and gained 12 lbs... Post Op for 5 yrs. I'm sure you look beautiful and feel great! I'm proud of you! Good Luck YOU ARE A SUCCESS! Laxi
   — 502Laxi

February 12, 2008
I had a radical distal RNY 10/94. I lost 150, which put me at about 112# (I'm 5'1"). I have had 3 regains, 6, 8 & 13. All 3 were sugar and I was able to reverse all 3, but the last one took superhuman effort. My dh had the same surgery 10/95, lost 110, holds about 180 at his 6'1". He had one major regain of 35# (sugar), but when he straightened up and flew right, he holds about 180-190. He's not as fussy as I am. Have you been checked to be sure your surgery is still intact? I had to be revised 1/2000 due to staple line disruption, but my dh is still intact.
   — vitalady

February 12, 2008
I am three years out and my goal was 170 but I am at 200 pounds. I was at 183 and felt that I looked great. Also if you have not had plastic surgery that is 30-50 pounds excess right there.
   — tl_morgan

February 12, 2008
You have done great but I understand that you want to get to your goal weight. I was in the 250's and got down to 188 and my goal was 160 after 2 years I weigh in at 215-220. I suggest that you go on a protein fast to jump start your weight loss for a couple of weeks and slowly add good carbs back into your diet staying away from anything white like sweets and chips and increase your daily activities. While I can give great advise I am very bad at following my own directions. I have been on a protein or Atkins type diet for about 2 days but I have not increased my daily activities yet. Stay strong. KimT
   — 070510

February 13, 2008
Jason, You appear to be young, so I would think a jumpstart is all that's needed. EXERCISE!! Find a group to stay motivated for a month. Do a 5k walk/run & train with a group. Try or your local running gear retailer who puts on events. They probably have group walks & runs. also will have some connections. I am almost 9 years post-op, & I am suffering the same fate as any other normal 40-something woman. I have an extra 35+ pounds that just won't go away, & I exercise a lot, & I have modified my diet a lot. It's just the way it is at this age. But for you, it's a matter of some concentrated short-term discipline probably.
   — T. Gross

February 14, 2008
I'll be three years in April. Started out at 315#, got down to 198#, gained 40# in last ten months. PCOS? Oh, well. I eat well and work two jobs. I still have the energy to maintain. Been stuck @ 240 for almost 3 months
   — HeidiMc

February 14, 2008
I got to about 10# over my goal weight approximately seven months after RNY. Then I plateaued, losing almost NOTHING (but not gaining either) for many months after that. But guess what? My measurements kept decreasing! My dress size kept dropping and my rings started falling off -- all without the reading on the scales going down. How could this be? Two main things probably. I began exercising regularly at the beginning of this period, so some of my fat was "turning into muscle". Also I was probably losing a great deal of unseen weight internally, from around my liver and other nearby organs. I never did ultimately reach my original goal weight but maybe my pre-surgery goal was unrealistic for my aging body. My doctors seem to be quite happy with the weight loss that I did attain. I'm happy too! Oh yes. When I get sick with a cold or flu or something, I rapidly put on weight, maybe 10 # or so. I don't worry about it (stress!) because it always comes off again soon after the illness passes. **Do you have a DAILY exercise routine, say about 1 hour of moderate exercise at something YOU like to do?**
   — [Deactivated Member]

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