I am a week away from surgery and very scared!!

I have been reading alot of these post and I am very scared .I am worried if I am doing the right thing. And why did I not have to go on a diet before like everyone else?Is this going to cause a problem? I have been dieting on my own, off caffeine,and have been walking .PLEASE any advice will help me    — cab (posted on March 4, 2008)

March 4, 2008
Hey Cheryl, I didn't diet either. You are off to a great start. This will be the foundation of a successful journey.
   — bariatricdivalatina

March 4, 2008
Only you can answer what the right thing is for you. Sounds like you have made a good start toward making the changes that are needed as a postop. What are you most afraid of? Probably getting as much information as you can from your doctor would help. Good Luck!!
   — Shirley D.

March 4, 2008
Hi Cheryl, Everyone is different. Every doctor is different. I had my operation one month ago. I was so lucky because on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the highest amount of pain), I was a ONE! My doctor had me go on a 2 week liquid diet beforehand so that my liver would shrink (that's the first place you lose weight) and it would be easier for him to lift it out of the way. But I know plenty of people who did not have to diet. My girlfriend ate pizza the night before her operation. Another girlfriend ate pizza a week after her operation. Like I said, everyone is different. I wasn't afraid to have the operation...I was afraid NOT to have the operation. You are off caffeine, you are dieting AND walking. It seems like you are definitely on the right track. Keep it up. I bet you will find this operation will be the best thing you ever did to help yourself. Follow your doctor's advice...go to the support group meetings...and you will do totally fine. Good luck. Dee
   — DeeDiamond

March 4, 2008
Insurance companies and surgeons have their protocols. My surgeon and others want patients to lose weight in the last 3-4 weeks prior to surgery to reduce fatty deposits on the liver. This makes LAP RNY surgery easier to do--fatty livers make it hard for the surgeon to do surgery. I had to sign a statement saying that the surgeon was the one to determine whether the RNY was LAP or open. If, upon inspection of the liver via a camera shows too much fatty tissue, then the surgeon would probably do an open version instead of RNY. It's good you're trying to lose weight and exercise prior to surgery. Drink plenty of water, exercise as much as you can, try to limit carbs, do high protein, etc.--all healthy stuff. Give up smoking, drinking, sodas, sugary foods--bad stuff.
   — Dave Chambers

March 4, 2008
Hi! Cheryl, I think that it is a normal thing to be scared. If you were'nt scared I would think that you were weired. I should be having my surgury next month and I am very scared, but very ready. You have to be ready.If you are you will do just fine. Like others have said just do as your doctor says and things will work out good. It sounds like you are ready with the things that you have already started. Keep up the good work
   — ronni5468

March 4, 2008
I had my RNY 4 1/2 years ago and I did not have to go on a diet either. I don't understand why some people do. I am sure we all have been on a million diets one more isn't going to make a difference. Don't be scared. Finally you are taking control of your life and not letting your weight or food control you. Take Care!
   — Carlyn M.

March 4, 2008
Cheryl, I didn't have to go on a diet before WLS; my insurance didn't require it. Other insurance companies require it. My surgeon would just not do the surgery if we gained any weight while in the holding pattern before surgery. You are doing the right things. Keeping up the confidence is not as easy as everything else. Good luck!
   — jujuprof

March 4, 2008
I would limit your fat intake. If your liver is too big and they are doing laproscopic surgery they may have a hard time and have to cut you open. Lower the fat intake.
   — Joanc

March 4, 2008
It is very normal to be scared. You'll be just fine. It was mandatory through my insurance that I tried some type of weightloss program for six months. Not to mention it was mandatory to lose 10 percent of my weight. It helps to lose weight before surgery, for recovery reasons. BUT, it's never to late to start trying. I lost 19 pounds one month prior to surgery. You have a week left. Just try to become active this last week with exercise and be sure you're doing your protein. I wish you luck.
   — Cari_C

March 4, 2008
Cheryl, God Bless you sweetie... good luck. You have every right to be afraid... 1. get thru the surgical procedure alone... 2, the very drastic changes this will bring into your life & 3. the unknown. Don't feel like a failure because on your own you couldn't lose weight... You're a "winner" in my book! You're in my thoughts/prayers... good luck to you. No matter what... you've made the decision to have surgery for YOU! Good luck in your future success! Lax
   — 502Laxi

March 5, 2008
We are were scared, and that is normal. But I can tell you after you are home losing, you will not regret it. First, keep up the diet. Try the foods that you are going to have to eat wehen you return home. I found out before surgery what I liked and didn't like and made up several liquid meals, so when I felt bad and just wanted to sleep, I did not have to spend time trying to fix food to eat. I also tried shakes, and got rid of my temptations that I knew I would want to eat when I got to the point that I could. It is easier to throw or give that food away now. My family has been great about eathing health with me. They hid their snacks so I am not tempted. The wight you lose before will take fat off the liver, and the liver sits over the stomach. Thy have to go under the liver and keep it up while the move the stomach for an RNY. Some doctors do require the diet because they do the surgery open or you are around a 40 BMI. I was a 50 BMI so they wanted me to diet before surgery. You will be fine and best of success to you!
   — William (Bill) wmil

March 5, 2008
what you are feeling is 100% normal. you have made a HUGE decision regarding your health, have elected to have major surgery and now the "what if's" are bouncing around your head. IT'S SO NORMAL!! Just keep positive, keep your eye on the prize and read positive posts, go to support groups, go into this with a can do attitude and the belief you can concur all and you will do great. good luck and see you on the loser's bench.
   — jammerz

March 5, 2008
I didn't have to diet either though my doctor kept a six month study of my weight. All insurance companies are different. Hang in there.
   — ednamjr

March 5, 2008
Hi Cheryl...Dont be afraid... You will be fine... I had mine 3 1/2 years ago.. I went from a size 24 to a 14, and am happy with myself, even though I'm not thin.. I Am thinner and healthy... The first day or two were difficult, but in three I days, I had no meds, and I just took my time... Believe in your doctor... He knows wha the is doing... Good luck.. Be well, and possitive.
   — ladydidi

March 5, 2008
This is a journey that you will have lots of ups with.. :) I think you are on your way to being healthier and thats always a good thing. I was so scared the week before my surgery, but came to the conclusion that, even if I dieted the rest of my life I would never be able to do it, I would always find an excuse to eat this or pig out on that.. This is a journey that I would never have changed.... :) I have a life now.. :) God bless you, keep up the great work. Paula
   — japaad

March 6, 2008
I am 10 days post op. I was supposed to have the RNY and ended up with the Lap Band. However that is because I am 450 lbs and my liver was so big. My doctor did not want to have to open me up. Now post op I am glad that I ended up with the lap band. I feel great. I am already off most of my blood sugar meds and feel better than before surgery! I only took pain meds for one day after coming home from surgery. I kept telling myself that I wasn't scared. Then right before going in I really freaked out!! You know what I found out. Everyone is scared. It is okay to be afraid, but there is no reason to. You WILL be fine. And this is the best decision you ever made. Sounds like you are ready and doing everything your doctor told you. Obviously you trust him or you would not have chosen him. So have faith, say your prayers for courage and get excited. Lets make this journey together!! Jeri
   — JeriBrown

March 6, 2008
Hey Cheryl, That dieting before surgery thing is varies from surgeon to surgeon. I didn't have to go on a liquid diet either. You are doing the right thing though -- getting off the caffeine (because it will be awhile before you have that again and even then you might not want it) and walking -- that is going to help your recovery -- trust me. I wasn't on caffeine -- been off that long before surgery -- made me urinate too much. I was working out and walking prior to surgery and that helped my recovery a LOT! Welcome to the Losing Side -- all will be fine.
   — the7thdean

March 11, 2008
Hi This is my very first post on this site. I have been reading as much as I can to familarize my self with all aspects around WLS. I am pre-op too, my expected date is going to be late May or early June. I want to encourage you. I have put you on my prayer list and will continue to hold you before the Lord! God Bless you while you slendersize. You will have your chance to keep me in prayer come May as I am sure it is only natural to be scared, no matter what kind of surgery we would be going through. NancyCardin
   — Nancy C.

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