Preparing for surgery

Im currently in the process of the 2 week liquid diet pre surgery. I know they must have told me but for the life of me I can remember. Why is it we are not to have carbonated drinks and/or caffiene BEFORE surgery. Im going nuts with a good cold diet coke. Also, did anyone cheat at all in the least with food? Even a tiny bit?    — Frenzied (posted on February 28, 2009)

February 27, 2009
In all the surgeries I've ever had,(which were many), I was to onl be NPO 24 hours before. With GBS, I guess he wants all solid waste out of your intestines? I don't know, but good luck and God be with you.
   — corpdiva2005

February 27, 2009
Hi...I am currently on day 9 of my 10 day liquid diet (surgery is Monday 3/2 at 11am). I was given a list of allowed liquids which was a 3 protein shakes a day (with milk or water), SF jello, SF popsicles, broth, crystal light, water, decaf tea & coffee only. I believe the decaf items are to prepare me for after surgery since I won't be able to have those items. I know we do the liquid diet to shrink & remove excess fat from the liver. I did not cheat at all during this time! I just keep thinking that I've worked so hard to get to this point & I don't want to jeopardize the surgery or my health. This is also showing me that I will follow the plan post op. I've cheated on every other diet thruout my life & look at where it has gotten me! This time is different for me. I just took 1 day at a time & did not look at the entire 10 days. Believe me...I wanted to eat so bad many times this week, but I did not! I had a headache, was tired, cried a few times & felt like my legs were made of solid iron! Just remember YOU CAN DO IT:) Just keep thinking about how wonderful you'll look & feel in 1 yr!! That is my motivation! Best luck with your surgery! Hugs, Diane
   — angel325

February 27, 2009
Hi there, my surgeon is allowing me any clear fluids with no sugar, such as water, tea, coffee, broth, and sugar free drinks. Its post op you will not be able to tolerate the diet drinks, well thats what my surgeon told me and it makes sense. Maybe give your surgeon a call. Are u taking the optifast 900? I think it is really hard to get down, especially the vanilla. Any hints on how to make the vanilla optifast taste better would be appreciated. Louise
   — sassy1696

February 27, 2009
Congratulations on your upcoming surgery! I am about 15 months out from RNY and I didn't have to do a liquid diet at all. My surgeon only required a high protein low carb diet. I could eat solid foods up until the day before surgery so I guess every doctor is different. The reason for the high protien low carb is to shrink your liver which will help keep you safe during surgery since they have to move your liver out of the way. Good luck to you
   — karenyhb

February 27, 2009
I did not have to do 2 wks before, but 3 weeks after surgery. The reason they don't want caffiene is because it is a dierectic (spelling) and soda or carbonated drinks because it expands your stomache and causes discomfort.I guess they don't want you to have them before maybe to get you ready for whats to come. ( meaning you can not have them after surgery) Also some Doctors want your liver to shrink before surgery and for you bowles to be nice and cleaned out. They are going to be doing some re-routing and I would not want to take a chance this early on in the game. Good luck You can do it. :0)
   — sse032568

February 28, 2009
Good luck on your upcoming surgery. YOU can do it!!! I had to do 16 days of liquids, I did NOT cheat, I wanted this surgery so bad that I didn't dare too. I am 7 months out and 91 pounds down and I am just thrilled to death. I quit caffiene about 6 months before my surgery to make it easier on me, and I don't have a craving even now for pop or coffee.(used to drink about 2 pots of coffee a day and 6-8 cans of diet coke a day)
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 28, 2009
Hi Good luck on your surgery I did lean cuisine diet prior to surgery and d soda was ok w my doc I know they say none after surgery everyone is different best of luck Tammi
   — Tammi Sandoval

February 28, 2009
Not sure what surgery you are having. I just had RNY and we were able to have pop and caffeinated coffee/tea during the lead-up. That said, since we can't have any after surgery, they did suggest paring it back to get used to the idea. I didn't really stop much of that. I was using Optifast for most breakfasts and lunches for several weeks pre-op and then having a healthy dinner. During the last week I did nearly all shakes (plus the other fluids). Then final three days were clear fluids only. It's all to get you emptied out well and help prep your body for what's coming. Also less caffeine will help limit dehydration from that source. Cheers /Mike
   — mountainmike

February 28, 2009
Cheryl, You may as well get used to not drinking soda now, because after the surgery you cannot have it at all. The sooner you get over the "withdrawals" from it, the better. It's one less thing to miss post-op. I am 2-1/2 yrs post-op RNY with a 150 lb maintained weight loss. Congratulations on making the decision to change your life. Remember the surgery is only a tool and you need to change the way you THINK about food. Do not cheat, once you get about 6 months out you can allow yourself a bite of something, but you must not let yourself fall back into old comforts and habits. I wish you the best of luck, it is a difficult journey but it will change your life so much to the better! Take care! Katy
   — moosey12u

February 28, 2009
My surgeon suggested I stop all caffeine and carbonated drinks a couple weeks prior to surgery due to the withdrawal effects - we are going through so much after surgery with all we can no longer have or at least can't have for the first month - to go through caffeine withdrawal, etc. just adds on to the stress. This way you are dealing with some of it beforehand. Try some decaff coffee if you must. I know that after surgery, I wasn't even able to drink that - the acidity really bothered my stomach.
   — Wendy M.

March 1, 2009
The diet coke thing is something I never thought I would be able to quit! I loved my diet coke! However, It has been one year now and I haven't had any carbonated drinks! I tried once, and I am happy to say..the diet soda tasted nasty! The favor wasn't what I remembered and the carbonation just plain felt wrong in my pouch. So, the sooner you stop drinking it the better.
   — bfdfamily

March 1, 2009
Hi Cheryl... first of all, let me say... congrats on your upcoming surgery you are on your way. Now, let me address your questions. first of all the liquid diet is to one get solids out of your intestines and also get your to drop some additional weight before the surgery. When you lose the weight, it decreases the size of your liver, which has to be moved aside, no matter which type of surgery you are having. this makes it the liver more pliable (softer), smaller and able to be moved out of the way. If the surgeon can see better, then they can do a better job. Also, it is to shrink the size of your stomach. No carbonated beverages as they are not good for you whether you have had surgery or not.. and Im not even going to address the sugary vs diet. The carbonation will bloat your pouch and stretch it out and make you very uncomfortably if not in downright pain. It is not good for a newly formed pouch where the sutured/stapled sites are still healing. The gas, once it passes from the pouch to the intestines will make you uncomfortable as well. You will hear all kinds of different answers, including some people who will tell you that they are still drinking carbonated beverages after having their bariatric surgery. Remember, this surgery (no matter which method) you are choosing is not a magic wand. It is a tool. And like any other tool, if it is not used as it was intended you will not get the maximum results. So be good to yourself and start changing your habits now. It will benefit you after surgery. I cannot stress this enough. Good luck to you and, once again, congrats... KariK
   — Kari_K

March 1, 2009
I found out that the first couple of days of my pre-op diet were hard. Once, I started to make a variety of protein smoothies, it was OK. My question to you is what do you want more the coke or caffene or being thin and healthy? My choice was thin and healthy. The carbonated drinks tend to bloat you up so that you can eat more and stretch out you stomach. Then you will eat more and gain weight back. Also, caffene has a way of making you hungrier. I am a week and a half post-op from my lap band. I don't crave diet drinks or caffene. I made my choice now it is your turn to choose. Good Luck.
   — shortnoni

March 2, 2009
I was like Betsy - loved my Diet Coke but since surgery - I'm 2 years post op - I have no desire for soft drinks and have learned to love flavored waters. Propel is my favorite. As far as asking if I cheated on the diet - you're not going to get my permission to do so. One little cheat will lead to another, etc. Try you rbest not to.
   — Muggs

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