Is there anyway to Start Losing again after 3yrs I have gain 35lbs

Inever reach my goal weigh, I never got out of the 200lbs mark. I was 289, when I had my surgery, I went down to 217. Never could go below that. Now I am a 250lb again. I was thinking about Jenny Craig, but I need to find out if I can start to lose again with out going to a specialty center.    — Patdean (posted on April 7, 2009)

April 8, 2009
It really depends on the surgery you had whether a diet center will really help...Often the surgery you had has the BEST dietary rules and basics over any other diet out there! If your surgery was one that is only restrictive, then yes any diet would be great! To lose weight you have to diet and exercise...Even with RNY, you have to go back to basics and cut calories if you've begun eating too much. You will never lose weight like you did the first year...It's not going to move that quickly and the plateaus that frustrated RNYers with rapid weight loss are far worse after that time is over...and we forget that they happen and often give up before we realize it's working. We just need to give it time and stick to it! Just go leaner, cut out any simple carb snacks and sides and replace with more lean protein and/or complex carbs...Cut 500 cals a day to lose 1 pound a week!Kick up your exercise! to double or triple that number. Complex carbs to stay fuller longer and when exercising...Eat mainly dense protein for your three meals...with veggie sides. If you begin weighing and measuring food you will be quite happy to see that one serving is enough to be satisfied! Keep a food log of all you eat and calorie tally to track your progress and know where you can cut back or add...This is how I lost a ten lb gain...It took me about 4 months because I was sick too and was not allowed to exercise or tax my heart at all and that was a HUGE set back for losing weight!! LOL It was really slow! But I did it by being consistant with staying on track with the basic rules...Before this, I was drinking with my meals, eating sugar and simple carbs (which I didn't realize how much hungrier I felt from eating them), snacking/grazing, eating slider foods that didn't keep me full...I learned that it's okay to feel a little hunger without having to satisfy it immediately...I actually welcome a little hunger now so I KNOW it's real and not head hunger! Don't aim for a full feeling, but rather a "not hungry" or satiated feeling instead. Feeling full means you over ate! That will help you cut back in portions and still be satisfied! That's the reason to measure and weigh food! Learn what you need! Then you won't over eat by accident even! I pull out my scales all the time and check my visual "guesses". I KNOW what 4 oz of chicken looks like but if I start letting 4oz become 5oz, when I only NEED 4 oz...I add extra calories I don't need! Those are the ones you want to cut out to lose again and it's really simple...Slow, but it can be done! Excerise makes it go faster too because you burn calories as well! Don't forget to eat a little snack before and after a work out for energy. If your body thinks it's starving, it's going to be MUCH slower results...If you do it healthy and without putting your body in starvation mode, it comes off more slow but surely! Good luck! Oh and if you are eating any sugar/simple carbs regularly, you need to cut them out altogether for now until you gain control and can add them back moderately!(Once or twice a week, rather than daily) Good luck!
   — .Anita R.

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