Does anyone know if Boost High Protein drinks are acceptable pre-op drinks?

   — JenA59 (posted on September 27, 2009)

September 27, 2009
Ask your dietitian. There are 33 grams of carbohydrates per bottle. This is generally too many carbs even if you are using it as a meal replacement pre-op.
   — KEDIA

September 27, 2009
Your surgeon's nutritionest can answer that best.
   — SPIRIT2002

September 27, 2009
My Nut told my it was ok for pre-op but not post -op
   — tmhlls300

September 28, 2009
It depends. Are you diabetic? If you want to go sugar free, the Glucerna Butter Pecan is pretty good!! As the others said, check with your nut.
   — flybaby46

September 28, 2009
I was told not too. They have to much sugar I still have problem with protein, I just can't get use to the taste. Still trying to find something. But I do eat now but still need more protein.
   — kaybusk

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