I'm approx, 15 yrs post Roux-en-y procedure. Lost 130lbs, in 15 months.

Maintained til this past summer, and have been very pleased with the overall experience.I don't know if I've stretched my small pouch, or just opened up the staple line, but I have put on 32lbs, and seem to be hungry a lot more than normal. I am 52 yrs old now and just post menopausal.The gain started at the same time I went thru a research study for depression, using a study drug. I was hungry to the point of not being able to get enough to eat. I am really afraid of gaining more, and I want to loose the 30lbs I've gained. What should I do first. Haven't had contact with Dr. Martin since two yrs. after surgery. Should I contact him, or a doctor someone local where I live?    — sheilalamartiniere (posted on December 17, 2009)

December 17, 2009
Don't know where you live, so don't know how far you'd have to go to get to a pre-surgery nutrition class, but that might be a good idea. Also, if you still have your pre-surgery diet (and who does?), going back on that might help. I lost 17 lbs on the presurgery diet, and that was in 2 weeks...definitely worth a try. God Bless.
   — jj2010

December 17, 2009
Contact a WLS doctor if yours is unavailable. Between the physical changes that happen with menopause and the study drug, you need an expert's help. Maybe the team for the study drug have some data that would shed light on the affects of the drug on WL. You've come too far to give in to weight gain now. I never had a serious weight problem until I went through menopause and quick smoking at the same time. God bless!
   — Janell C.

December 17, 2009
I gained 60# taking Remeron. I was "sleep eating" and finding food in bed with me. I once found a package of chocolate chips in bed when I woke up. My Dr. changed my medication, and I was able to lose most of the weight. That was 4 years "before" my LapBand (11-08). So far, since surgery, I have lost over 120 pounds. I am so delighted, and encouraged. I have no secret, I don't count fat or calories, I just count carbs, and limit them to just 30 Grams a bread, no pasta, no potatoes, no rice, no desserts. It was hard the first few months, but today I know that eating those foods will put me back where I was prior to surgery and I don't ever want to go there again.
   — BeenThere1

December 19, 2009
I am 9 yrs post Roux-en-y wls. The past 3 yrs. I have been gaining weight 40=50 lbs. I am depressed, eat and drink too much. I am on meds for depression, doesn't help the depression and makes me gain weight. I am miserable. I can't seem to find my way back. Maybe we can help each otherl Where do you live?
   — sophieirene

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