Protein Shakes

I am doing well but Iam lossing lots of my hair is it ok to drink protien shakes. Dr said no but he want for me to consume protien natural way. What is your opinion on this for those that have that problem I know I am not the only one. Thanks Rose    — alexys08 (posted on January 22, 2010)

January 22, 2010
HI I had that issue about 4 months after my surgery was on 12/18/08...from about March to August. I was more freaked out then my Dr. Anyway I increased the amount of biotin I was taking and that really seemed to help. I also was still drinking my protein shakes, 2 a day & my 3rd meal was protein based. Good news, it does stop.
   — elimeno

January 22, 2010
If you arent getting in the recommended amount of protein then shakes are much better then not getting enough protein. My Dr. told me to start with shakes and slowly wean myself off of them as I could eat more food and get in more protein. I dont like a whole lot of food high in protein so I plan on making up the difference in shakes the rest of my life if I have to. As for hair loss...yes, up your Biotin or start taking it if you arent already. Its cheap and does wonders. I've also heard Silica is great for regrowth. Good Luck!!
   — babytmakes6

January 22, 2010
Each Dr is different, my Dr says to drink protein, I can't eat protein yet, I am 5 months out, so I supplement with shakes. I have had some hair loss, but not a lot. I do get in 60 grams of protein daily, I also take biotin.
   — FSUMom

January 23, 2010
I use protein shakes, I find it hard to get all the protein from food no matter how hard I try. The one I like best is: Light yogart, bannana and protein with ice and blend. The taste is quite bood.
   — Jim Christian

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