What to use with severe lower intestine gas pain that lasts 10 hours?

Yesterday I had severe gas pains/cramping that lasted for ten hours. I took two colace and after seven hours and barely able to handle the severe pains, I called my doctor. He thought I drank too much Muscle Milk at one time. I had been using the Muscle Milk in smaller quantities previously. My WLS office moved me to phase III at 2 weeks, and I had increased the amount to take at one time. He told me to drink decaf coffee and take a suppository. Within a couple of hours I did lay down and sleep. This morning I still have some effects... gas like but the severe pain/cramping is gone. Maybe I had air in my intestines. Any one ever go through something this drastic and how did you deal with it? Can I take something to get rid of it faster?    — Lauri D. (posted on April 3, 2010)

April 3, 2010
Hi Laurie....My surgeon has this really REALLY strict rule about WALKING - seems like a bazillion times a day, for at least 10 - 15 minutes each time, preferrably half an hour at a time. It's supposed to keep you from getting blood clots and make all your "systems" work. But, and check with YOUR surgeon on whether this is okay for YOU, here's what I found out for myself....I have severe lumbar spinal stenosis, so it's excruciating for me to walk unless I have significant levels of narcotics in my bloodstream. However, I felt just fine riding the stationary bike, so I asked him if I could substitute that for walking. He said "SURE!!" Anyways, it seems that the action of getting your knees up close to your stomach the way you do when riding a bike stimulated my intestines enough to increase peristalsis (the movement of gas and solid matter through them). Later on, I found that using the rowing machine at the gym did the same thing, and also doing leg presses on the weight machine. They all put pressure on your abdomen to differing extents - with the bike riding being the most gentle. So, my advise - first of all, if you can do it, WALK, WALK, WALK, WALK. And if that doesn't help, check with your surgeon about something like doing a stationary bike. And if you don't have access to one, or (s)he says "NO", then ask about drinking a cup of "Traditional Medicinals Smooth Move" tea. It helps me.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

April 3, 2010
I've also had a few episodes where my cramping was very severe and extremely painful. Usually after i hate something that either had too much sugar or a vegetable that i wasn't supposed to eat yet. Also i was told that Muscle Milk has way too much sugar. It could have something to do with it. I found Unjury or a whey protein shake to be much better, higher protein and much less calories. My cramps have gotten much better with time.
   — cocopierre

April 3, 2010
I forgot, i also found that gas-X helped me alot when that happened.
   — cocopierre

April 3, 2010
Addition to my initial statement: I've been walking at least 30 minutes a day. My surgery date was 03/22/2010. I'm thinking I used a sport bottle for the muscle milk and I got too much air. I will not do that scenario any more. It was the most excruciating pain I can describe. Today I've been more on liquid diet... taking it easy. Tonight I've been able to toot a couple of times... must be letting that air out more. Thank god. Any one else been through this air intake thing? Lauri D.
   — Lauri D.

April 3, 2010
Sometimes gas pains are alleviated by laying on your left side with your knees up towards your chest.
   — KristalleH

April 3, 2010
I am sorry but reading all these replies had me laughing and they sound just like meee!!!! I wound up in the hospital with gas pain, I take enemas, laxatives and stool softeners. What a pain in the patoot, no pun intended, hey if we can't laugh about it, we will cry. I know I am going to open up Pandora's box but, these damn protein shakes can make you constipated, it is a catch 22. Good luck my weight loss sister!!!
   — FSUMom

April 3, 2010
I am sorry but reading all these replies had me laughing and they sound just like meee!!!! I wound up in the hospital with gas pain, I take enemas, laxatives and stool softeners. What a pain in the patoot, no pun intended, hey if we can't laugh about it, we will cry. I know I am going to open up Pandora's box but, these damn protein shakes can make you constipated, it is a catch 22. Good luck my weight loss sister!!!
   — FSUMom

April 4, 2010
After surgery, many people become lactose intolerant to a lesser or greater degree. I am not familiar with Muscle Milk. Lactose free milk could be helpful. Also, the chewable Gas-X were helpful.
   — MargaretHM

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