What is best combos of nectar and juices are the best?

I have sample packets of Nectar protein and was wondering what are the best flavors and what do you use to mix it with? I have read protein ready to drink from Costco is good but can't remember what they are can you please remind me. Any other suggestions on protein mixes and drinks would be appreciated. Surgery now within a month and start liquid diet in 2 wks and want to be prepared. Thanks to all.    — obrien_7734 (posted on July 18, 2011)

July 18, 2011
I don't use RTD's because they are too pricey. Just the powders for me. Muscle Milk from Costco - Vanilla has just a hint of coconut and is yummy. Body Fortress from Walmart can be purchased online in a 3 flavor combo of your choice for $39 total (free shipping). I use Syntrax Capucchino w/milk in the morning. Then Syntrax Nectar two more times, mixed with water. 1 scoop to 20 oz. water because when it's too strong it's easy to get turned off by it. Plus, too much protein at one sitting can make it go right through you. PLUS, we need the water anyway and this way it's flavored and the protein/water combo counts! Personally, I like the Grapefruit, Fuzzy Navel, Natural Orange, and Twisted Cherry. The Roadside Lemonade is good but not by itself. I mix it half and half with Twisted Cherry. I did not care for the Tea, Caribbean Cooler, or Crystal Sky. has the best prices I've found and offer free shipping on large orders (like 4 canisters at a time). Protein is best absorbed when you drink it first thing in the morning, after exercise (within 1/2 hour), and right before bed. Best of luck with your experimenting and I know you'll find powders you like out of the Costco, Walmart, and Nectar brands. Congrats on your decision to change your life for the better!! :-)
   — Ruthie D.

July 18, 2011
I do not use Nectar, just because I like my protein powder. Also, I am only speaking for myself. When I was losing weight I wasn't allowed to have juice, too much sugar , and still after my weight loss I am still not allowed to have juice according to my NUT. I am only speaking for myself. All I can say is, I had great success with my weight loss abiding by my NUT and Dr's eating plan.
   — FSUMom

July 18, 2011
I use Syntrax Nectars, and I don't like any of them mixed with water. I mix with 16 oz of either Crystal Light or Powerade Zero and a little bit of ice. My fav. flavors are the Roadside Lemonade, Pink Grapefruit, and Fuzzy Navel. The Lemon Tea is ok, but I won't buy another big canister of it again. I don't use juices any longer, too much sugar. I keep muscle milk LIGHT in the RTD boxes on hand for convenience. Taste best very cold. The chocolate sucks, but the vanilla creme & strawberry creme are ok. We're told to make sure we get whey protein isolate rather than concentrate. Don't recall exactly why. Best of luck on your upcoming surgery!
   — Lisaizme

July 19, 2011
FSUMom... the nectars are not real juice... they are flavored whey isolate with 23 grams of protein per scoop, and 0 carbs. Since they mostly taste good mixed with water, it's so much easier to meet the protein and water requirements for the day. They are not for everybody of course, but they've sure made life easier for me. :-)
   — Ruthie D.

July 19, 2011
My favorite Syntrax Nectars are Chocolate Truffle (made with warm water and a teaspoon of decaf instant coffee, and sometimes with a little bit of unsweetened vanilla almond milk). I also LOVE the Syntrax Nectar called Twisted Cherry, and I frequently used (and still do use) the Syntrax Nector Vanilla Bean, which I flavor with DaVinci Sugarfree Syrups. The RTDs I loved were IsoPure Grape Frost and Pineapple-Orange-Banana. I also liked the Oh Yeah Chocolate and Vanilla ready-to-drinks.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

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