Commet not a Question

I just got thirty two posts at least half were people fighting I am going to unsubscibe to he list and maybe some time I will come back and see if there is anything left of the site or if eveyone suceeds in destroing it. If you don't like Eric's monitors go away, you do't have to use this site. Censorship isn't good but this site does belong to Eric and he has a right to have what ever he wants on it.    — MARK N. (posted on November 4, 2000)

November 4, 2000
Mark, Don't let the negativity take away from the good this site does for people....Stay...Losing the people who make positive contributions to this site will only ALLOW it to self-destruct...I tune out alot of the BS. A self-made filter perhaps. We know this site is a great help and blessing for those seeking information and peers going though the same ordeals. Put on a big pair of boots and start whooping ass....but dont leave.
   — Tracy L.

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