Exercising, and Severe Knee ostio-arthritis, before seeing Dr.

Hi, I am scheduled for my first meeting with Dr.Alan Posner, (Buffalo,NY) I have already seen his staff, and have completed to the best of my knowledge, the steps you must take to meet requirements. I started at 362 last year, saw the nurses at 321, and am now 298. I exercised heavily on the Treadmill, etc. and have just done MORE damage to my knees, so says my Rheumatologist. He said to cut WAAAY back on exercising. I'm upset because of the Ostio, but more upset because I can't "drive" myself so hard anymore (existing, and future pain) I am now accustomed to my diet, I've made a few errors here and there, but nothing bad. I seemed to have stopped losing weight, and I'm upset. I still adhere to all the "rules." Q - Do you have to lose a certain amount of weight before seeing the Dr.? Or are you supposed to "prove" that you CAN lose weight and adhere to the plan? Because if so, my "little black book of diet/exercise/mood" will show I stopped exercising as much, and stopped losing weight. I am scared this will affect my standing with the Dr. I've waited over a year for this...I don't want to screw things all up when I'm so close. I see Dr. on July 5,06. Thanks all, Polly    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on June 7, 2006)

June 7, 2006
Polly, I'm Thelma, I have a lot of what you have so I truly understand. But when you talk to your doctor I think he will understand. I will be praying for you and contact me any time.
   — Thelma S.

June 7, 2006
Polly, I agree with Thelma, your Doc will understand. Have you tried water arobics or even at home pilaties or even yoga? with the water arobics you will get a great workout and it won't put any strain on our joints. I don't know about you, but the good thing about doing this is that mostly everyone is a lot older and they don't have these perfect little bodies so i feel comfortable in a swimsuit.
   — Jenney

June 7, 2006
Hi Polly, I had surgery with Dr. Forbes July 5, 2005. How long have you been on S.B.? They want to make sure that you can be compliant after surgery.They really don't have a set amount for you to loose before surgery, but they will cancel you if you gain...Dr. Posner is VERY strict when it comes to weight gain. Call and talk to Brenda and see if she can set you up with the trainer (sorry can't remember her name) and see if she can recomend a plan for you to use while waiting for surgery. They do recomend water arobics if you have trouble working out. They will truly work with you as long as you show that you are trying. Dr. Posner is awesome and so is Dr. Forbes, but they just want us to succeed as much as we can. Don't be afraid to call him either and explain the situation if you haven't already.They are very understanding. I remend that you continue some sort of weight training with hand weights and maybe some low impact cardio. I used a book of pilates type exercises and that helped me loose and tone at the same time. Feel free to email me at [email protected] if you need more info on our specific surgeons requirements. HTH. Monica
   — fngrs132

June 8, 2006
polly, God bless you! I'm in a simular situation, trying to exercize and stay on diet, but two accidents, bulged disks, whip lash and wrecked knee are putting me over the edge. I am now doing water aerobics three days a week. Can't do all excercizes, but the doc says, "do what you can." I hope you can find a palce to get in the water to move. It helps alleviate a lot of stress on joints. My problem is now the hold up being back on steroids! Ten pound weight gain, but the pain was worse. Hang in there. I hope you have a wonderful support network. Laura Johnson
   — lbjohnson

June 8, 2006
Polly not all Surgeons demand you lose weight to have the surgury. Mine did not, but because of documentations for insurance I had my previous attempts documented and all the diet meds I've tried listed. I didn't diet prior to surgury and have lost 92lbs since surgury 2/22/06 I've been faithful to the diet post-op. Some doctors do require weight loss before surgury just to make the procedure easier on you and them. Hang in there things will work out.
   — Deborah Joyner

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