When can you go back to work after Gastric Bypass

If you feel alright in a week can that happen?    — dbobb32 (posted on March 27, 2007)

March 27, 2007
Depends on what you do for a living....I drive a desk and could of went back after a full week, but took two off. It was nice. ;)
   — jammerz

March 27, 2007
Hello...I take it you have a surgery date in the near future...Good for you.Most folks would say that returning to work depends on a lot of things.Your health and recovery are important.If your job and finances will allow you to stay off, then I probably would.WLS can be quite the adjustment.You have to deal with your new way of eating.You may or may not experience discomfort for various reasons.Fatigue is almost certain after sugery too. A greater concern is how you will adjust to different foods after surgery. The last thing I wanted was to become ill @ work, without much warning. These are just a few reasons. It's up to your doctor also. If you're able to be off a minimum of maybe 3 to 4 weeks that would be great. I personally stayed off for 9 weeks and adjusted to my new way of life. Oh and last but not least...driving a vehicle was prohibited for at least 2 weeks post-op. Don't rush things if you don't have to. Best of luck and a speedy recovery.
   — purnellj

March 27, 2007
I went back to college full time four days after my with your doctor. The more your up and moving the better it is for you. Just don't over do it. Listen to you body...when it tells you to it! Good luck. J
   — J.Bug

March 27, 2007
it all depends on you and how fast you recover but I would suggest two weeks at least.
   — Beatriz A.

March 27, 2007
Hello Diane, My surgeon said 4 weeks -- I took them and my manager told me whatever the surgeon says that is what I do. Plus I had the sick leave to take off. Our company also have what they call a Reserve Illness account which we get 72 hours a year. I could have gone back in 3 weeks; however, I hadn't seen the surgeon and returning would require a note from him to be sent to the group that handles our leave. So if you can afford to be off at least 4 works to adjust to your new eating schedule I'd say take it. Today was my 4th day back at work and I'm exhausted -- good thing I only have 2 more days to work and then I'm off two. So it all depends on how you feel after the surgery and no complications arise. You don't want to return too fast.
   — the7thdean

March 27, 2007
2-3 weeks if you have a sedentary job, no lifting for 6 weeks. I was bored and went back after 2 1/2 weeks. I had no complications and felt great!
   — Sheri A.

March 28, 2007
Hi Diane and thanks for writing. Ofcourse it is different with different people. You have to evaluate if you have the stamina, and can deal with food pressures right away. You have to know what your surgeon says about it and your finances will also dictate your decision. Having said that, consider this. My surgeon said to me that she will support however long I needed to be off. Her concern, which was very valid, is that you are making life changing decisions after surgery. What to eat, when to eat, changing your head about food issues, beginning an exercise regiment and building your support for success, not to mention the recovery from a very major surgery. My finances dictated that I could take off six weeks, so I did, and I was very glad I did. I believe in a full recovery. I think taking it slow causes your body to heal, and the rest and exercise I got in those six weeks would not have been the same if I was up early and running to work. I do desk work, so I didn't have to consider the physical aspect, but you may. Evaluate carefully, especially in light of adjusting your life, not just your stamina. I was glad I did take six weeks, others may choose differently. I wish you well. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

March 28, 2007
I went back to work 1/2 days the monday after I go out. But I do work at a desk. It would depend on what kind of work you do.
   — bntfive

March 28, 2007
I Had Lap RNY on a Thursday, went home from the hospital on Friday, driving on Monday and was back at work on Tuesday. I only missed 3 days from work and I felt great. Good Luck!!
   — Young485

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